Need your opinoin!!


Well-Known Member
no. absolutely not. at this point, you have a few options.
1. Wick system. (Google it)
2. Transplant into a 1-3 gallon planter, water the hell out of them, hope for the best. (I am assuming the plants are currently in pots the size of a solo cup or a bit bigger?)



Well-Known Member
or try autopots.....they are a passive hydroponic system that can be used with soil and have been developed to let the plant water/feed using a smart valve to detect when the pot is dry the valve then opens and lets in water that is gravity fed from a res..beautifly simple,,. and you can get them online,,goggle Autopots...hope that helps :^)


New Member
Sit your pots on a soaked towel, they will get to it if they want it, make sure the pots have holes in the bottom, just sit the soaked towel in a tub or tray and sit in your plants, make sure the towel is soaking dont ring it out, they should be fine.


Well-Known Member
some folks swear by aquaglobes...just watch out, they can explode in your hand
I read a thread on here that had a person in the same predicament as you and he/she used aquaglobes and reported some positive results. Definitely take those things into mind if you're going to be gone for more than a week.


Well-Known Member
Ok back from 10 day vaca., watered the hell out of them 2min before I hit the road. Came home last night and nervously looked into my cab. and not only did they survive they are 3 times the size. Thanks to everyone that offered opinions.

Live long and smoke alot, peace!!!