(needs to be moved)Multiple screens in your pipe?


Active Member
Hey there, I know already that this has to be moved to another subforum, I just couldn't choose one. Anywhoo, has anyone smoked through their metal or non-glass (since .1% of people use metal screens in glass pipes) pipes with more than one screen in it?

I currently have. . . *counts*


I noticed that when i'm out of bud, It makes resin hits much more effective. I'm hoping we can all come up with a pro/con list of why its good / bad to have more than one screen in your pipe.

Oh, by the way, the only reason i put in 4 was because they were 4 beat-to-shit old screens. So I put a new one in the bottom, and layered 3 more above it.


More resin gets caught in the screens
More room in the bowlhead for resin
Better particle filtration (what passes through screen 1 might not go through screen 2)
Harder to hit the pipe (nobody wants to INHALE metal pipes. I find it best to take slow, long tokes.)
Saves pot by making the bowl smaller (yeah, not a lot of pot. . . but any pot you can save is good.)


*shrug* iunno.



Well-Known Member
More resin clogged in the screen means....it gets clogged up non-stop! No thx! If you like smoking tars...go right ahead!


Active Member
Heh. Well fortunately for me, I have the most ghetto equipment. These 4 screens, by the way, just met my friends harvest, and whoa. Its kinda hard for me to even type this. But yeah, all the screens are pretty much solid resin, and the pipe is clogggeddd.

So, what did I just do?

I guess I didn't smoke enough, haha!!!

I put my bowl on my 20oz bong (I make the best soda bongs available.) and ripped it, and got the most massive resin hit ever.


Well-Known Member
i hope you don't still use metal pipes.. glass pipes have been in circulation for FAR too long to be stuck on lamp part pipes.. and adding screens to a glass pipe is like shitting on coca krispies. you can scrape glass pipes for resin, easy. use glass, i don't even want to hear that people are still using metal pipes and screens.. that's kinda sad.. :P


Active Member
Why? They are cheap, durable, compact, and can pack a punch!

Plus, I break too many glass pipes. I always leave them on my lap and stand up and whoosh, there it goes.

Plus, scraping them is a bitch.

Is there anything like a uh, like a glass pipe thats detachable?