neeeed help!!


Active Member
hi, we need help,

a freind of mine has had a plant growing for about 6 weeks, and the cat has severed the top clean off, that was just about to flower and also in the attack pulled all the leaves off clean from the stems, top to bottom. now its in direr need of repair yes 6 weeks of waste OR IS IT????????? plz help is there ne thin we can do.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
get some veg nutes on to it and make sure it does'nt dry out, just some tender loving care needed for a week or two . should be O.K. man!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Quick take it to the hospital, umm the emergency room! JKz. It should be ok if it's not wounded too badly...


Active Member
Weed plants are VERY forgiving...

I had a plant once named buzz, she was gorgeous (yes I name them all), I went out one day accidently leaving my box door slightly ajar after feeding...


The dog got her.. (This is in flowering by the way 12/12)

Tore her to shreds, a mangled stem and half a leaf was all that was remaining..

I simply gave her a bit of love, replanted into some fresh medium, and put her back in veg mode, about three weeks later she was thriving, a must add she is a very strange looking girl, the stem is all bent and mangled, and it develops very strangley.

The happy ending, I decided to use her as my mother and cloned all my plants from her. I still have her, and damn its the best budd i've ever smoked..

maybe a new strain? "Mangled Doggie Drool"

Anyway, give her some love man, you love her, she'll love you back ;)

Lamafia ck

New Member
my ex girlfriend stupid bitch pickd some of the bottom leaves out wen it was around a month/half nothing happend =]


Active Member
yer man inspirational shit goin on, i hope she survive's alot of times gone into her, but im not gettin any negetive response so i thinks she's in luck, its just a chunky thik stem 3ft tall, that yes i repeat yes, today as flowered, ne way thanx for help ill let you no wot happens. scarz


Well-Known Member
I dont know what you can do for the plant, but i have a hell of a rescipe for cat stew...

I dont recomend cooking cat, unless you know what your doing...(they can be a bit stringy)


Active Member
May I also suggest you move the plant out of the cats reach so this doesn't happen again?