Neem oil for spider mites


Well-Known Member
I would will fuck up your buds if you do. All your hair will die back and the buds will stop growing. Spray the leaves, not the buds. Or trying wiping the underside of the leaves with neem- might be a smarter idea.


Well-Known Member the Sns209 is the best shit around. Check it out. Its systemic, no need you spray!


Well-Known Member
No...supposed to make a nasty taste like neem itself. Mighty wash and rinse is ok from what I read. I don't like spraying buds with anything tho. Prevention next time bud.
marc88101 I just wanted to caution you on using systemic insecticides. Systemic insecticides are absorbed through the root system and circulated throughout the plant by its vascular system. Regardless of whether a substance is "all natural", "organic", etc., just like a man made systemic insecticide such as marathon( Imidacloprid), it consist of chemical compounds. These chemical compounds, manmade or otherwise, penetrate the cell membranes and are translocated from cell to cell affecting the entire physiology of the plant (the reason insects may choose not to inhabit the plant). So.... regardless of what the manufacturer may say, ingesting, vaporizing, or smoking a plant treated with a systemic insecticide may be hazardous to your health. You are essentially a guinea pig for an unknown entity. I would want to know this if you were my caregiver.

You may say to yourself, "well if follow the manufactures suggestion and flush the plant 1-2 weeks before harvest it will be fine". Not necessarily true, first of all having to "flush" your plant of anything is not a good sign in my book. Second, there is a ton of research out there on how long systemic insecticides may be present in a plant, and the supposed effects of "flushing" the plant. Longer than you may think and not as effective as you may think.

On the other hand, using a product such as Quantum Apocalypse which is made from organic cold pressed neem oil is much safer and more effective. The plant is not chemically altered in anyway and the active "chemical" compounds in the neem are broken down over a few day period. Therefore, if you follow the manufactures directions on the Quantum bottle, and don't use it within 3-5 days of harvest, you stand no risk of harmful effects. The research available on neem breakdown is widely available on the web as well. This point is exactly why it says on the Quantum Apocalypse bottle to spray the product at a lower rate every 5-7 days after the initial infestation has been eradicated. By doing a spray every week or so, you are deterring the pests from seeking out the plant(s) in addition to killing anything that may have decided to come visit between the day you last sprayed , and when the active compounds were no longer warding off pests.

In addition neem and the chemical compounds associated with it have been used and ingested by humans for centuries with no reported ill effects. On the other hand I could not find any information on the effects of smoking, vaporizing, or ingesting large quantities of rosemeric acid.

So what I am saying is, thanks for sharing. That is what this site is all about, right? Although, I don’t know that suggesting that adding a potential toxin to you medicine is great advice. Sorry.

Stick with the Quantum! I know almost a dozen other patients and caregivers whom have used the product and all of them are spider mite free!!! This is a Non-toxic, organic solution that actually does what it says. A rarity in this industry.


Active Member
Guys , MIGHTY WASH !!!! Try and get a atomizer (borrow or rent one) ! Drench each plant individually in GREEN light , bottom to top AND back down , Put aside IN ORDER of drenching . After the last one I rinse with a solution of filtered water STACK and "Killer tea" from my sprayer . Grab the stems and shake off the excess . Turn up your dehumidifier to high and put back on your grow try . Check the next day with a 30 power scope . If you see any mites or eggs (if you don't know what the eggs look like get a picture on line ) If you see either, hit em again spraying the whole table bottom to top and down . 5 days later check again with the scope . This stuff WORKS ! If it doesn't work for you , you didn't do it right ! I had a bad problem and DIDN"T have to chop my girls like some have suggested ! I am mite free but always checking . I post this EVERY place I can cause it works !!!!!!!!

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I'm battling mites right now, too. Guy talked me into trying "Magic Might", horribly expensive but a little goes a long way, and it can be used on buds anytime (supposedly). I can't say how good it actually is since I just bought it yesyerday. But if it sucks I be letting everybody know.


If you have plants in pots then bring them into the shower and wash them with cool/cold water everyday. This keeps the mites numbers down and will allow your buds to finish. I know its a lot of work but its better then putting chemicals on your buds. And it will serve as a good reminder to prevent the mites instead of just reacting to an infestation.


Active Member
get a shit ton of lady bugs they will destroy spider mites like its going out of style predatory bugs are the best answer :leaf: