Nerdy Questions on Vaping


Active Member
This may not be quite a newb set of questions, more of a nerd set of questions, but this seemed like the best part of the forum to ask.

- I regularly use my vaporiser (Storz and Bickel, Plenty vape) and I'm a convert, it was worth the extra money compared to the rubbish I had used before.

It has a variety if heat settings, so you can choose how hot you want the bowl. I always use the highest setting as it gives the most "smoke" when taking it back, but I've recently been reading about the different combustion levels of the different cannaboids in cannabis. THC for example comes alive around 140c I think.

Does that mean that in theory, I could change the effect my vape gives me? I've tried on different settings and didn't really notice a difference other than less vapour coming out my mouth. Could this explain why my vape always sends me to sleep, is it because I'm doing it at over 200c and the CBD is coming alive and knocking me out, so if I vaped at 150c, I would only activate the THC and not the THC, which would be more suibtable for day time use.

- the second nerdy question is again on vaping. It annoys me a bit that I can vape my nicotine in a small, cheap cigarette looking device. Yet to get a good vape with my weed I need this huge bit of kit that cost a fortune and is not very discrete.

Is it possible to make a THC style e-cig liquid?

I make cannabutter regularly, so I'm aware of the science of extraction, but not sure how to get it into something that could work in something designed for THC, especially considering the different burning points of the two different products.

walter diggens

Active Member
This may not be quite a newb set of questions, more of a nerd set of questions, but this seemed like the best part of the forum to ask.

- I regularly use my vaporiser (Storz and Bickel, Plenty vape) and I'm a convert, it was worth the extra money compared to the rubbish I had used before.

It has a variety if heat settings, so you can choose how hot you want the bowl. I always use the highest setting as it gives the most "smoke" when taking it back, but I've recently been reading about the different combustion levels of the different cannaboids in cannabis. THC for example comes alive around 140c I think.

Does that mean that in theory, I could change the effect my vape gives me? I've tried on different settings and didn't really notice a difference other than less vapour coming out my mouth. Could this explain why my vape always sends me to sleep, is it because I'm doing it at over 200c and the CBD is coming alive and knocking me out, so if I vaped at 150c, I would only activate the THC and not the THC, which would be more suibtable for day time use.

- the second nerdy question is again on vaping. It annoys me a bit that I can vape my nicotine in a small, cheap cigarette looking device. Yet to get a good vape with my weed I need this huge bit of kit that cost a fortune and is not very discrete.

Is it possible to make a THC style e-cig liquid?

I make cannabutter regularly, so I'm aware of the science of extraction, but not sure how to get it into something that could work in something designed for THC, especially considering the different burning points of the two different products.
Okay, I feel like that was a lot, but the short answer of the vape temperatures is yes. However, it does still depend on the material being vaped as to the amount of THC or CBD contained inside.

Now as far as for the e-cig liquid I don't know how to make it, but every dispensary around sells them, and the lables say vegetable glycerin .
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Well-Known Member
Ya dude just google it its possible and yes vg is the base u would need to use for your ecig . Or u can make honey and use a one hitter e cig to take one little drop of oil at a time I have cloud pen 2.0 it works pretty good for honey oil


Well-Known Member
Make hash oil for ur ecig mix with there glycerine that they give ya not sure on mix str u would need to experiment I guess.. safe method to make oil get a jar put black tape around outside of the jar add ur weed (good weed) add metho spirits put on lid put in sun for 2 weeks bang u will have a nice layer of nice lookin oil mix that with ecig and stealth smoke on a plane lol


Well-Known Member
I hear there are a lot of problems with clogging of the atomizer when you make your own eliquid infused with thc, but yet, it can definitely be done.


Well-Known Member
YESSSSS!!! Me and my buddies do it and we are all converts from the traditional oil pens that you can only hit a couple times without refilling.

First you need to buy some 100% PG non-flavored e-liquid. Put equal parts pg and BHO and mix them together. The first time I did this I was amazed that the BHO dissolved within 20mis. You may have to add a little more PG or BHO depending on your preference, but I find going over the 1:1 ratio (meaning more BHO then PG e liquid) it gets thick and will clog, say a kanger protank II. If your mix is thicker then say 100% VG e-juice it's probably a little too thick.

This works GREATTTTTTTTT!!!! You can even mix it with any e-juice, but it takes much much longer to disolve.

Use the PG and don't make it too think. Happy vaping!


Well-Known Member
Sorry for multiple posts but it's something I just discovered and it lets me stay medicated all day no matter where I am. I like to add flavors like a hint of lemon to my og oil and a bit of melon to the mango oil that my buddy runs...i'm usually a purist but damn! A couple drops of that lemon in the og oil and it just tastes soooo good.


Active Member
There are a number of e-cig look-a-like portable vapes on the market too. However, compared to a S&B vaporiser they are a piece of shit. I spent $150 US on one and it is a disappointment, as are all the others I've tried.

It seems to have been answered in other words above, but with regards diff temps on the vaporiser, you will get a more floral flavour on the lower settings as certain terpenes and other parts of the plant aren't affected. I find the pinnacle of flavour on my Volcano is 6-7 on a scale of 9.

But have a guess what setting I use ALL the time?

Yep, that's right, 9. Always 9.

Sure it's not as perfectly flavoursome, but it gets me so much higher....