New 4,400w Room With Co2


Well-Known Member
Are you ready for the ride?

?purp day 1~ 12/12

^^^ the aks in the background are almost done and falling over :-)

Heres the other side scrog mixed with ak and sour d... you see mostly sour d. Some nice buds on the D lol you can see some standing up, theres some more hifing behind the fan and middle 4x4 support... they are also almost ready to come down :-) then in with the Space bombs! hopefully no hemies. xx

I put the big bns girl in the back into a 10 gal container also put the second biggest one in a 10 gal smart pot... am I crazy? lol me no thinks so but they should have been xplanted before flowering.
Also sorry for the focus on the screen... it is a nice screen though :-P

peace folks


Well-Known Member
this room is soon to be outstanding,them ak's,seem to do good no matter what,
and the purps?,in the scrog is going to be crazy!!
10 gal pots!monster plants for sure,

back to that ak,was that a cut,or seeds?
i know u said it befor,but my lil brain is to far gone.


Well-Known Member
lol thanks G :-) it was a cut covered in mites from a shitty mmc... my ex "partner" picked it up allong with my sour d and a horrible WW cut all covered in mites! I wouldnt have touched them! anywho shows what I know lol
thanks again


Well-Known Member
looking good and i finally got my update on the whole room!!! looks like your d slants to the right hahahah. AKs are doing great like G said and that harvest was probably around 3/4 of my entire harvest last run hahah!! im sure you pulled just about over what i harvested off two plants in that hydro. fucking asshole hahaha.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Are you ready for the ride?

?purp day 1~ 12/12

^^^ the aks in the background are almost done and falling over :-)

Heres the other side scrog mixed with ak and sour d... you see mostly sour d. Some nice buds on the D lol you can see some standing up, theres some more hifing behind the fan and middle 4x4 support... they are also almost ready to come down :-) then in with the Space bombs! hopefully no hemies. xx

I put the big bns girl in the back into a 10 gal container also put the second biggest one in a 10 gal smart pot... am I crazy? lol me no thinks so but they should have been xplanted before flowering.
Also sorry for the focus on the screen... it is a nice screen though :-P

peace folks
the total off of this plant came out to 8.25 ozs :joint::mrgreen: im happy with that!

Thats some nice pics there whodat, looking better all the time . Seems like you got the some monters to come with them larger pots. I would cover all the hydro with the the white sheeting cause i think them balls can let light through. Top job anyway bro..



Well-Known Member
Just ordered 2 x 180 GLH LED's to add to my 600. I love pretty lights n stuff! Going to hit some golf balls and roast a fat PPP on the course, everyone take some time off and smoke one today, that's an order!


Well-Known Member
Thanks dre,

Sounds like the thing to do shwag! I'll be taking the rest of my day off to visit with family.

Plants are looking good peeps :-) been busy and havent had time to fart around with pics lol sorry. I'll fix you guys up tomorrow night hopefully..



Well-Known Member
whodat, how is it that I have never been to your thread? what the fuck is wrong with me? I'm gonna go vape some cheese and ponder that.

Oh, and I'm sub'd, of course. peace brother! :peace:


Well-Known Member
WOW i havn't stopped by in awhile, im missing out, that 8.5 oz-er is fucking ridiculous perfect plant in every way. Keep em growin man you got the touch!!!