New Cabinet 110 watt CFL Grow


Active Member
That a sick little box. Surprisingly not that cramped looking in there. All you need now is intake and exhaust and you'll be solid. Nice bong. Just got a new one myself. It's a double bubble with a perc and ice catcher...I fucking LOVE it


Just put em on lastnight! My lil ones are loving thier new home, Also i rigged up one of those CO2 bottle generators (with the fish tank air hoses n shit) kinda deals. They look Perky as hell now! Beauties man...Beauties! ahaha im pretty blasted right now hahahaa


Active Member
Nice I just did the same thing with yeast, sugar and water to generate c02 and It does put out a bunch of gas right onto my plants which I like. I just load the thing up with sugar every few days. But when I shake it, it likes to spurt sugar water out the side and stuff, I've had to use water and a paper towel to clean up some syrup stuff that landed on my plant. It cleaned up wicked easy though


Nice Box! I just built one for myself, 3x3x2 and at 17 days in , No reflective surfaces yet, ( fixing that tomorrow ) and 2x42 watt, 2700k and 2x13watt 2700 k <--YES I KNOW, these are being replaced asap! This is what my girls look like.


The 2 42 watters are adjustable so I can keep them about 1'' or so from the plants and the 3 plants in one pot were seperated and put into thier own containers last night , Granted my box is about twice as wide but I still have to put the finishing touches on it 8)