New CFL 2nd grow using Scott's Hyponex Potting Soil in 6" pots

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
ok, its day 30 and the 3 girls are looking good. im still not sure if i want to keep the 1-1, the box will fill up pretty good with just 2 plants. still thinking about putting her out back at work. now is the time to get some clones, so this weekend i might work on that. i broke one of the Y adapters so i need a new one and may set up the veg/dry box for the clones. my problem is they may grow to fast and i'll have to many plants, LoL.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
first, i still cant believe all 3 are females, they have all shown thier sex and theres lots of white hairs, and at only 28 days. i keep looking for balls to make sure, LoL. ok, i fucked up again with the watering thing, when i put them in the new pots, i watered them with the rest of a jug of nute juice. well, i left the valve open cause i was high, so when i put the new full jug up and went to bed, it emptied itself overnight. the left side of the box got soaked and tilted to the left even more from the first time i did this. as you can see in the pic how much its leaning from the dresser. the only good part is its only $14 for a new box, but im not gonna do anything about it now. what a dumbass, LoL.



Well-Known Member
That sucks about the water but hey at least the box is cheap lol!!

3 for 3 damn man thats crazy, congrats!! I hope I have half your luck lol.. Ladies are lookin good.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
tonight is the 84th annual st. petersburg derby. this is the oldest derby race in the country. remedy goes against flying coal city for his 4th straight title in the 10th race, POST TIME 10:11. this will also be the last race of remy's career. he will go back to texas and be used as a stud dog. hes only 4 years old but has had one hell of a career. heres a couple pics of this 2009 all american greyhound. thats me on the left with the flames shirt on, and my wall of fame, LoL. heres the link if anybody wants to watch.

Derby Lane Live Video

oh, its day 32 and the girls are doing great.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well, remedy won the race 2 lenghts over flying coal city to win his 4th straight st. petersburg derby. now hes off to texas to live the happy life of a stud, LoL. for anyone that knows greyhound racing, this truely was an amazing dog, and his stats show it. 178-59-52-31-12. so he was in the money 154 times in 178 races with most of those races being either grade A or stake races. it took him 20 races to reach grade A, probably because they were mostly sprint races, but, once he got there he only dropped out of A twice for a total of 4 races. its just pretty cool to me because ive walked this dog, played with him, fed him cookies and scooped up his shit, LoL. and i'll miss him.

ok, the plants are looking good at day 33, still not sure if i want to keep 1-1 cause i think the box will only be big enough for 2 without lst.



Active Member
is there anyway you can explain again how your gravity water system works? I want to try it out. So 2 lines in the cap 1 vent and 1 for feed water. Blow in vent and water will flow til its empty? what do you mean it says pressurized?

thanks alot grow is looking great BTW!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
is there anyway you can explain again how your gravity water system works? I want to try it out. So 2 lines in the cap 1 vent and 1 for feed water. Blow in vent and water will flow til its empty? what do you mean it says pressurized?
thanks alot grow is looking great BTW!
sup man, the jug cap has 2 holes for 2 pieces of hose, 1 goes to the bottom of the jug for the feed line, the other just inside the cap a few inches. the feed line runs down to your box, in the middle of it , i put an on/off valve (home depot 2 for about $2) then in the box, i put the "T" to give me 2 feed lines. with the jug full, open the valve and just blow in the vent line to get the water flowing,(watch out!! if the vent line is in the water, when you stop blowing, you may get a little backwash, LoL, just hold it straight up.) once it starts flowing, you can just use the valve to water how ever much you want. if you change jugs before it runs out, you wont have to blow in it again to get the flow going.hope that all makes sence. and thanks.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
day 37 and the girls are looking great, i cant believe i screwed up and missed the top on 2-1 twice, oh well, on the other hand, 2-2 is topped great, because it was double topped, i think theres like 8 to 10 "main" tops now, will be cool to see how this one turns out. they are now getting my jacked up full strenght nute mix and loving it, dam they drink up some juice, LoL.

