New Clones, droopy leaves.


Active Member
Just transplanted these into pots bout 12 hours ago. First time grow and worried about the height of the leaves from the soil, the clones were in rock wool and covered with about 1/2 inch of soil on top. Main stalks were quite short and im now worried about these twisted droopy leaves that are wanting to hang out on the dirt. Is it an issue whatsoever?

I m running 6 clones in a 2 ish by 3 footish closet with 400w MH. Ran about 25-30 inches above plants. Warm to on the hand at plant level.

Temps are constant between 70- 80 and humidity is at 50% ish.

I am quite clueless on how much to water, how often etc to get these started.

ANY advice on anything about this closet would be much appreciated!


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
keep the soil moist not soaking ,the light could be raised clones trying to root don't need that intense of a light it should perk up in a few days to a week


Well-Known Member
They will look like shit and look even worse after roots start. I would suggest removing some of the foliage. You do not want too many leaves. No more than 1 or 2 nodes of fan leaves. And those leaves you keep cut the finger leaves in half. This all promotes roots.

Here are what my clones looked like and after roots took
