New grow room 13' x 10' ***** Fist Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
The CFL's are only for my mothers and the table they are sitting on is 29" x 60" so about 5' x 2'. And Im going to have 5 mothers . The flowing room will have 2- 1000 hps cooltubes..

I got a question ?????

My seedlings are 3 days old and you saw the picture ..... ones that have just broke ground have already got roots coming out the bottom of the cube. Do you think I should transplant into their home which is 2 gal pots with rockwool on bottom and the rest perlite or should I just wait and let them grow a bit more
I would wait. Let those roots grow some more! Couldn't say for sure though. Never used rockwool cubes.
I got some more work done on the mothers room. Drippers are all done. the plastic I put down to bring the nutes back to the res leaked so now im getting thinker plastic and trying it again. Ill have pictures up tonight and maybe transplant them tonight. QUESTION : Im going to be using 100% perlite besides for the 1" rockwool cube i started them in, my question is do i drip right onto the rockwool or off to the side where the perlite is? I dont want to overwater the rockwool. The perlite is already wet with 5.8 water.