New grower


Hey i'm a new grower , and would like to know what kind of earth to use what kind of ''food'' and when can i pass my plant in flowering step

and how can i keep my plant low since my lamp i low and can bring it up


Active Member
Its all in the threads bro.

Search around, read, check out the pics.

You will learn lots.

Then ask a more refined question(s).

There is tons of info already posted for you to check out.

Also, Tell us more about what you are working with (i.e. room, outside, fans, lights, co2 and so on)


Active Member
first u need to do some research.
just hw much room u have to work with? there are things like low stress training, strains which are bred to be short.

soil u be orite with basic potting soil try nt to get the stuff with nutes ready in them.

dnt understand wat u mean bout passing flowering stage.
wat light u gt?


okay thanks for all .... I'm actually thinking of growing in a aquarium with a fulorescent light , and what i mean about passing the plant to fowering stage is that , i want to know of i can start flowering the plant when i want to , and after reading i learned that i can start flowering after the plant is about 8inchs high and just have to switch the light on 12 hours on 12 (12/12) if i understood correctly


Well-Known Member
Yes you can flower whenever by switching the light to 12/12. THe plant will double or triple in size. Probably way more if you do it when they are small. grow


got it , so i can start flowering by switching to 12/12 but will get less weed then if i let it grow for 1 month or 2