New Grower

Hey guys. Dutch Blunted here. I've been trolling this forum for a while now, looking up advice on growing your own, and I'm still trying. Figured I'd at least introduce myself before I start posting questions/pics of my grow. Any advice will greatly be appreciated.


Greetings from u.k dutchblunted.
If I could redo my first grow again i'd just not get to technical with everything.
All you really need for veg is standard garden centre compost, plant pots a decent light and fertilizer.
Water them well but only when the soil is dry as these things are really resiliant when dry but hate overwatering,
don't panic when leaves die take mistakes as positives.
You here of people going to great lengths to maximise yeild but if you stick to that plus get a decent fan for flowering you can't go wrong.
Hope it helps!