new hempy coco grower needs help!


ive just popped some seeds into paper towels for germination and i have a few questions for you all :-P strains are:
sagamartha strawberry d-lite (testing for my anxiety)
just feminized g13 skunk

im going coco hempy style with 10ltr buckets, wanna do 10 plants using the canna nutes (coco a+b, rhizotonic, boost)
i will be hand watering, i wanna mix all my nutes in a big laundry bucket with an airstone & 100w heater

what temps best for bubbling nute mix?

if i mix say 20ltrs with nutes added can i keep this stored and use when needed? im worried if i make too much it will go bad if not used??

any other additives/boosts you would recommend?

i plan to start in root riot cubes in heated propagater, then into 1 litre coco - perlite 80/20 mix, then into 10ltr coco hempy buckets (2" perlite in bottom, 80/20 ontop, small pencil sized hole 2" up pot to create res)

if i follow canna schedule will i run into problems with the hempy style?

sorry for the bold lettering lol, ive tried to get my questions clear :-P

my diary/journal will be up in next few days

thanks for any help :leaf:


Active Member
Why are you going through all that trouble? just do a dwc or hydro grow its alot easier. I also get anxiety so post when you start so I can follow it and see how well it prevents and calms attacks.seriously thou get some totes you can put 6 plants in each tote then just put an airstone and nutes in and your done! move your germinating seeds to rockwool cubes then to 5 inch net pots when their ready.if you wanna do the hempy tech thats up to you I dont know much about it I got away from soil once i found hydro.heres my girls they are white widow and this is my first hydro grow and ive only messed with them once a week.they grow theirselves.good luck with whatever you choose! :blsmoke:


nice plants mate, looking healthy

just bought everything i need so its a little late to change now :) plus i like this coco hempy thing
check out pukka bud's coco grow here

it pretty much inspired me to get this grow started, im switching the 10ltr airpots he used for hempys instead
although he explains alot of things in his journal i dont quite understand alot of it, abbreviations are a bitch.... ec/ph even confuses me still lol

any help with my 1st post appreciated


Active Member
well your nute temps you want to stay cold because warm water breeds algea and rez temp runs around 70 and i hane no problems but if i could get it to 65 itd be better so id say 65-70 would be fine on your can use frozen jugs of water also to keep temps down i use gallon milk jugs.your nutes should have a mixing guide on the is the website just go to grow guide and enter your info and it calculates it for you .sounds like you have enough nutes you can buy bloom boosters when flowering starts.Im not sure about the problems you can encounter but the rest should help.good luck


Active Member
Hey man sounds close to what I run but no hempy. Not really sure I see the point?

Currently in flower I go fill 2-5 gallon bottles of water from my hose, mix up my nutes in em, let it sit for awhile(couple hours to overnight if i had time the day before), then I ph it down to 5.8, pour em both in an 18 gallon rubbermaid tub, put in a small pond pump(like 80ghp) with a hose attached, and I pump the nutes onto my plants just like I'd hand water. It's really saved me a lot of time. In 5 gallon smart pots I'm giving about 1 1/2 - 1 3/4 gallons every other day.

In veg though obviously they didn't need that much food, so I just filled up a couple gallon jugs and did the same thing. I had the plants in 1 gallon smart pots.

Don't mix that much at a time, like 2-3 days worth. Not sure how you do it with the hempy or whatever though.

I don't worry about the temp at all, the water sits in the room that's 70-75 degrees and I keep it covered from light.

Make sure you get the PK13/14 if you haven't already, you didn't mention it. Since you got Boost that's nice, I'ma sub to see how it pans out. I opted for Bud XL from H&G and only been using for a few days and they're swelling nicely.

My plants have been healthy as fuck from the beginning and have grown vigorously with this method so I like it.
hey, thanks for all the info guys. cleared up alot of my worries
i chose hempy because of the simpleness of its design (drill a hole 2" up the side of any bucket...)
you create a nute res in bottom which apparently helps, i heard maybe a little less watering aswell but ill see what happens

was thinkin about the pk13/14, will defo grab some when needed

my space is 2.4m x 1.2m and around 6.5ft high
i was gonna finish in 2 gallon buckets, should i go with bigger buckets?
i thought it might get crowded in there if i veg too long also..