New here and led

Hello all! I have been looking at LED and I am really interested in cobs. I am going to order a nice setup from rapid here soon but I have a small blurple light I got from a garage sale for $20. I want to convert it to a cob if I can since it doesn't work. I've opened it up and looked at the specs on the drivers, and being that they are chinese or wherever, they don't have the output voltage. There's a Max watt output which is 150-200. Can this be converted into volts? Or is it a guessing game
Any help is appreciated


There are three of the picture and one smaller one wired to the fan only. The three are wired to 1/3 of the led panel. Not sure where it's from, I assume it's a morsen light. Im not an electrician by any means but the basics of it. To check it, I would check the hot output wire coming out of the driver? And check it with a multimeter on volts to see how many it's pushing?
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I tested the drivers. They put out 83 DC volts. When i test the amps, it jumps to about 400 ma then down, then up, then down and so on. Is that a normal power cycle?
What could be run off of 400 ma?

