New hydro setup


Well-Known Member
I agree i dont judge a seed on its husk but i too always thoughtyou wanted hard mottled dark seeds .
But this amnesia haze is from a more pale seed if i recall correctly and its pretty stank so far

Hard to desribe but a good stem smell has never let me down some plants stems dont smell much at all.
Then you rub one that makes your fingers greasy and stinky lol

I would love to have some one teach me what seeds to pick and what to chuck.


Well-Known Member
I have grown a few pounds of ak47 extreme. Fu king delicious
And a few pounds of mangolicious. Rock your socks. All grown with cheap ass viparspectra lights and late in the game 600 hid combo then a 400 for the 4x4 now a 1000 for the 4x8. So the 600 is going to the 4x4 and the 400 is going to a hanging mogul for the auto's. :)
Ak47 has been on my list for a long time .


Well-Known Member
I would love to have some one teach me what seeds to pick and what to chuck.
Ive never had such a surplus of seeds (except if a nanner popped its head);)

I just grew them all and even if they where runty
Id grow them at least til They showed sex

Its why i kept some slee skunk pollen
It was the stinkiest male i had at the time.

Hopefully in a few weeks i can chuck some pollen .
Just so i can plant 20 seeds to cull them out :)


Well-Known Member
I only grow up to 8 at a time. I do not want to be greedy, that's when people get caught.

Here is 2 pics of my last grow. The second pic is one of the smaller of the colas I got off the ak47 extreme. The plant under the LED is a mangolicious. PORN!:)
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