New idea on indoor light schedule? Any thoughts?


So I've searched this topic abit on the web, and the argument is around how much light should indoor plants get a day, 24/0, 20/4, 18/6? But now as we don't want to stress the plants and gradually ease them into things and try to immatate nature. How does keeping the lights on for the 1st week 24light /0 dark , and then the 2nd week 23/1 and then the 3rd week 22/2, and so on? Am a first tym grower haha it is just some smoking thoughts:-P....


Well-Known Member
There is no argument generally with this subject... 18/6 veg then straight to 12/12 for flower. Keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
It would work fine, I just don't reckon on there being that much more benefits to it. Like djlifeline says; 18/6 and 12/12, job done.
But then it's always good to mess around a little and experiment...;)


So do u think I should change from my 24/0 to 18/6 straight away on the 2nd week? And do u think it is much better to do a 18/6? because i have read somewhere of someone changing from 24/0 to 18/6 and swore it got bigger in that dark stage? But i Still myt try the gradual one though, you will never knw if u don't try but I'm a first timer so more keen to just to see the growth and buds? What u guys think


Well-Known Member
Let us know how the gradual change works out. Photoperiod plants switch gears when they sense light changes and our outdoor in AK sure flowers before it gets close to even 14 or 15 hours of light much less any 12 as our loooooong summer days shorten. Maybe yours will flower.


Well-Known Member
There is no argument generally with this subject... 18/6 veg then straight to 12/12 for flower. Keep it simple.
That certainly is how many people do it, and its pretty tough to go wrong that way, but I'd say its not quite that simple. It depends a little bit on your setup, the kind of plants you're running, and what you want to accomplish.

If you're running autoflower plants you can run them 24-0 from seed to harvest if you like, though many believe you'll see better results with SOME dark time (ie 20-4 or 18-6).

Assuming you're running conventional photoperiod plants, its perfectly fine to run your lights 24-0 in veg if you like, and the plants will grow bigger during that time than they would if you kept them at 18-6. Veg period plants don't "need" a rest time, though many people still like to give their EQUIPMENT a rest.

Whether 24-0 is better or worse than 18/6 depends mostly only how much space you have and how big you want your plants to get.

If you're trying to minimize plant height and/or also get to harvest as soon as absolutely possible, you can run the plants 12-12 from seed to harvest.

In terms of decreasing light, again, some people think you'll get better results if you gradually decrease the hours of light over flowering (like what happens naturally as the summer turns to fall, and then to winter) rather than dramatically switching to 12-12 and keeping the hours like that until harvest. Herijuana, in particular, is one strain that some claim work better this way.


Well-Known Member
So do u think I should change from my 24/0 to 18/6 straight away on the 2nd week? And do u think it is much better to do a 18/6? because i have read somewhere of someone changing from 24/0 to 18/6 and swore it got bigger in that dark stage? But i Still myt try the gradual one though, you will never knw if u don't try but I'm a first timer so more keen to just to see the growth and buds? What u guys think
If you're a new time grower, keep it simple. No need to confuse yourself with non-standard photoperiods when you don't have a lot of experience, and the more you mess with them, the more likely you are to make a mistake.

Run either 18/6, 20/4 or 24/0 and then switch directly to 12-12 when the plants are 3-4 weeks old, keeping it at 12/12 until harvest.

If you're growing in a small area, strongly consider just running 12-12 the entire time.