New Kid On The Block... lol

Ok, I found the right topic forum this I was kinda lost earlier. I'm a first time grower and is lookin forward to a nice yield. I will post any problems or concerns I have about my "babies", and hope some of you all could help. Thanks again, Love riu


New Member
awesome bro cant wait! glad you found the right place for this. lol good luck and well all be watching.


Elite Rolling Society
Welcome to RollitUp, a great place, the best place, to learn growing!

I wish I lived in Cannafornia!

I'm glad I learned to grow instead of still having to buy it. ! I do not give my money to drug lords, I grow my own!.

I hope you hang around and enjoy the site.

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial - [URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""]Marijuana[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL] Growing[/URL] < a great tutorial to learn if I must say so, myself.