new ot this need help

red hairs

:wall:Transplanting from hydro to soil :? need some advice please:confused:
The plants are getting droopy, was woundering if there was something I could do to prevent this
Should I trim the plant so it can focus energy on the roots or just leave it alone?

Any help would be a appriciated:mrgreen:


Active Member
Need a lot more detail if you are wanting a good answer. Age, type, feeding regiment, light cycle, soil makeup, indoor/outdoor, pictures, etc.

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Well-Known Member
I trim all the time. I think they are dead weight and a drain on the buds in some cases.

red hairs

they are clones in veg stage. I was using General hydroponics nutes for hydro, and picked up fox farm ocean forrest soil and added bone meal and happy frog flower mix. Also got the fox farm Big Grow, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom, add superthrive vitamins. Foliar feed Cal/Mag. I only water when soil is dry about every 2-3 days. Using floresent lighting. I also trimmed all the big leaves.


Active Member
I grow in soil and in hydro. I root in grow cubes using a very light Vitamin B series until the roots get established and then switch over to my soil mix. Whenever I transplant to soil, I get about 1 week or so of shock as the roots get used to the characteristics of the soil (ph, temp, O2 levels, etc.). The soil you are using has a high nutrient content. I find that if you introduce too much, too early, you will get ill side effects - including drooping, stunted growth, and sometimes burns. I find using only plain ph water for the first couple weeks after transplanting works best - or alternatively, the enriching the water with same light B1 series used to root. Let the clones get acclimated to their new environment before continuing with the feeding. Sometimes less is more.