New tent setup (pics)

How's it going everyone I've been planning on growing for a long time now and I finally have been able to get my own place and make it all happen.
This is my first grow and I'll just be using some bag seeds from some regular dank, do you think I can get some good headies out of it with the right setup?
I bought 2 of these they work really well, I cut off the back of one and put them together, lined the inside with heavy duty trash bags for light tight and then mylar on top of that. It's about 40"x36"x61" with the two together.
I have 2 stanley blowers for intake & exhaust which both have 480CFM this isnt the same one i have though i got mine from walmart and they were $35.
From I got a 400wMH & a 400wHPS with convertible ballast and standard reflector.
For nutrients im using tiger bloom, big bloom, and grow big.
I have 6 little seedlings going right now with a good amount more germinating and on the way, this will be the veg and flower chamber for the first grow then I;m in the process of converting a little area in my closet for the new veg area to try and attempt the sea of green.

I have 4 little fans setup around the room for air circulation and to strengthen the stems, temps are usually pretty stable so far, about 75F lights off and 80-84F lights on depending on how hot it is outside.
I'm hoping to get around 4-6 girls and i would be extremely happy to even harvest like 1-2 O's per plant, do you think that seems plausible at all with how my setup is now?
ANy input or constructive criticism is welcome as to changing anything for the better and would help them do better.
This is just my first grow so im bound to mess something up just really hope for a decent enough product to last me till the next harvest.
Well anyway, heres some pics of it... sorry some are sideways
pic 1 - whole tent
pic 2 - intake
pic 3 - inside lights on
pic 4 - top view
pic 5 - exhaust
pic 6 - seedling
pic 7 - seedling
pic 8 - seedlings for now more on the way


desert fox

Well-Known Member
Nice work and welcome to roll it up. Damn dude you got some rockin airflow for that tent. Especially at $35 a pop. I would probably rig em up to make them both active exaust, and make your intakes passive.
So your saying make both of them an exhaust? what exactly is passive intake, would that be better? and yeah those fans really are a bargain for how much air they blow. So does anyone think I could get a decent product with a bagseed out of not so good weed?


Well-Known Member
Forget the bagseed man. REALLY!!!! Seeds found in your stash probably came from random pollen that wafted its way into someone grow room. I guarentee that that pollen did NOT come from dank growing just outside the door. It came from a daisy or something else growing nearby. Therefore, the plant you're going to grow is only half marijuana. You won't even want to smoke it.

You will thank me later. Go get a couple good clones from the club or order quality seeds from a reputable online house. You won't go wrong with these seeds or any other from World of seeds.

Practice germing your bagseed but merk them before you get too attached. They will only give you a headache and waste 3 months of your life.


Well-Known Member
i see ur nutes in the tent... r they organic??? i dont sugest organics in a warm tent... i could be wrong but i think they would go off... just a thought


Well-Known Member
wow super creative way to do the intake and exhaust for mad cheap. now i know how ill get exhaust and intake fans once i get my tent. thanks. they are mad good too 450 cfm wow
trunk5 - haha thats weird how similar they are guess great minds think alike, thats awesome to see that you had such great plants with that setup

sogbunn - yes they are.. are you saying dont keep them in the tent? or dont use them in a warm tent? I took them out ha dont want anything to go up in flames


Well-Known Member
trunk5 - haha thats weird how similar they are guess great minds think alike, thats awesome to see that you had such great plants with that setup

sogbunn - yes they are.. are you saying dont keep them in the tent? or dont use them in a warm tent? I took them out ha dont want anything to go up in flames
dont store them in there.. i could be wrong but i know if u mix nutes with water and let them sit around for a few days even in a seealed container they will go rancid so im thinking that the warmth may do the same.. sounds logical... better safe then sry rite??? like really they dont need to be in there anyways, ude jus have to take em out to mix it up and such rite???
yes definitely thanks for that heads up.
Anyone think that making both those fans exhaust and having a passive intake would be better?
Or I was thinking of making a diy cooltube with the bake a rounds, picked one up the other day, and then keeping one of the fans blowing through the cooltube then out of the tent and one for exhaust with a passive intake..? i dont know im still experimenting with everything.. just trying to see what everyone on here thinks would be best for temperature control


Well-Known Member
I think youll be fine with the fans you have, they move 480 CFM which is a good amount especially since there 2 of them. Unless the heat is too much even with those which is hard to believe. IMO as long as its not below 60 degrees your fine, i wish i could get cold temps.


Well-Known Member
exhaust your room thru the light hood, thats what i do with my 400watt, and my temps never go over 83 with the lights on.


Well-Known Member
oh thats a good idea trunk5 im going to try that thanks everyone
yeah i only use one of those blowers to exhaust my whole tent, i use 6 inch ducting for everything. im sure if you got your self a nice air cooled hood you could get away with a 400 or 600 watt light in there.
What do you think would be the best way to grow in this area with a 400w, definitely looking more for quality vs quantity but still a decent amount haha, Like a couple big bushy plants or lots of small ones? scrog? supercropping? im not really sure what would be the best way to do it yet, what does everyone think?


Well-Known Member
scrog is too much to get your head around on your first rodeo. Too much can go wrong and if everything it tied together in a screen, you'll never be able to take anything out or move stuff around. You would need very consistant clones to start with. Keep it simple for now.

Your first problem is knowing what you're about to grow. Some plants grow tall and scraggly (mostly sativa). Just a few of those will clog a small room in no time! You've got to know what they're going to come out like. A good seed (or clone) of some quality indoor could be vegged until it's about 18 inches tall and it'll throw about 3oz when it's done. Figure 12"x12" for each plant and viola! (that's about 27 oz every 10 weeks from your room, by my math)


im kind of new to tent builds, but i have one those garment closets and im planning on using for tent. i like ur setup and was wondering what would be the best light setup for just one of those closets. 150whps or 250whps?or maybe 400? and recommended place to get good lighting 4 cheap price