New to cloning


Well-Known Member
So a buddy of mine has a purp haze that he is going to cut for me....Now on to the questions (I know have been asked a million times)

I am just going to buy a clone kit. What should I look for in the kit
School me on the general basics of cloning and where the clipping should come from.

Thanks RIU


Active Member
Caught book thrown across the room...and threw it to the ground:leaf:
Picks book up and reads a cutting should be taken ideally in the middle of the plant not top not bottom middle. Use a sharp razor cut at an angle 45 degree's IMMEDIATLY put in a cup of water for 15-30seconds, then dip cutting in a rooting gel I like clonex. Then place in a medium such as rock wool or soil or hell just leave it in the cup of water and give a 24 light.


Well-Known Member
YouTube is ur friend lol
theres many vids on this
thats should give u a good idea
of whats needed and the process
dont b disheartened if they don't take 1st time
i had alot of trouble cloning when I started lol


Well-Known Member
humidity dome,heat mat,light ,spay bottle,clone jell, jiffy peat starters. srpay once a day let it breath a bit for fresh air few sec.. peace of cake