New to DWC, possible N toxicity/heat stress or something else..?

Scott Demyon

New Member
New to DWC, trying to figure out WTF is going on. Im running GH FloraGro, Micro & Bloom in 5 gal res (4 gal nutrients) Currently about 3 weeks into veg under a LEC 315 ceramic.

My PH runs 5.5 -> 6.2. I start with 4 gal RO water, at ~73ppm. I then add 15ml Cali-Magic, 32ml of the Micro, 64ml of the Bloom, and about 8ml of Hydroguard. I PH slightly down from 5.8 to 5.5. PPMs are then ~1000. Nutrient temp stays under 70, and roots look great. (thick and white). I have a 175gph air stone in the bucket as well. Temps in the tent range from 72-82F. Humidity runs lower, ~15%-45% on average.

I originally tried the GH regular nutrient recommendation, but she started showing deficiencies so I switched to the lucas formula. (0ml grow/8ml micro/16ml Bloom). After the switch, she perked up real nice, but is still showing some deficiencies.

Upper/New growth looks better, but leaf fringes are curling up, ridges seem high. Lower leaves are briddle and some are cracking/showing deficiencies. These deficiencies were happening before the switch to lucas nutrient formula.


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Well-Known Member
bloom mix full strength
per gallon
6mls grow
3mls micro
6mls bloom
4mls calmag

veg mix full strength
per gallon
7.5 mls grow
5 mls micro
2.5 mls bloom
2 mls calmag
1/4 tsp Epsom salt


Well-Known Member
flush your plants with plain phd water

then remix per instructions above

you've over fertilized all together

the way your mixing it puts way to much calcium in the mix and its locking out the magnesium

they will recover just fine if you flush them and adjust your mix

Scott Demyon

New Member
When you say flush with PH'd water, what does that mean in DWC? I know how to flush soil, but in DWC does that mean just rinsing the roots and dipping in the new nutrient solution? Or am I letting her sit in plain PH'd water for x amount of time..?


Well-Known Member
I would run your 4 gallon reservoir with plain phd water for maybe an hour and then switch it out back to nutes

make sure you dump the water and refill it after the flush
don't add your nutes to the flushing water.. dump and refill before adding nutes

your plants aren't all messed up bad or anything just a little hot in the root zone and lacking magnesium

I would say it about 3 or 4 days she will be taking off

the mix I provided is very balanced and the ppm is a safe low

manage your reservoir with this in mind;

Originally Posted by OldPhart
Basic cheat sheet:
Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes.
Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes only if you see signs of def

Scott Demyon

New Member
I would run your 4 gallon reservoir with plain phd water for maybe an hour and then switch it out back to nutes

make sure you dump the water and refill it after the flush
don't add your nutes to the flushing water.. dump and refill before adding nutes

your plants aren't all messed up bad or anything just a little hot in the root zone and lacking magnesium

I would say it about 3 or 4 days she will be taking off

the mix I provided is very balanced and the ppm is a safe low

manage your reservoir with this in mind;

Originally Posted by OldPhart
Basic cheat sheet:
Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes.
Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes only if you see signs of def
Ok thanks, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!

Scott Demyon

New Member
*update...all the plants are doing much better after the flush and fresh (correct) nutrient mix. About a week has passed now, and the 2 smaller plants are beginning to droop. Ph has been ~5.8 to 6.3. One of them looks to have maybe a calcium deficiency..? 20170204_180355.jpg20170204_180347.jpg


Well-Known Member
they look over fed to me
the small one looks like its more sensitive to nutes than the larger

your still showing issues with magnesium

what EC/PPM are you feeding?

Scott Demyon

New Member
they look over fed to me
the small one looks like its more sensitive to nutes than the larger

your still showing issues with magnesium

what EC/PPM are you feeding?

Last week i started them on the same recommended nutes from above (3/2/1). They did fine for a few days, then started drooping. Last night I changed them to a super light ~420 ppm mix. Today they are still looking sad. Res temp is 68 degrees, roots look nice and white. Ph is around 5.8. Do I just need to give them more time in the lighter ppm mix..?20170205_141852.jpg


Well-Known Member

give them a week at what you have it at

then bump it up to 700ppm

watch your PH in the reservoir

if ph is not climbing and the ppm dropping its to high a ppm