New to Grow Journal


Active Member
Hey again guys
Been away from the site for a while, but I am finally back to following your journal:)
First of I´d like to apoligize for my previous posts where I might have overdone it regarding posting my pics. I did not in any way, shape or form mean to take over your journal Kevin, I guess I was just excited about finally finding some intelligent people to discuss this with which is also more or less on the same "level" as myself. Again I apoligize if I in anyway offended you by this:cry:

I see you´ve both been harvesting and I can´t believe those incredible yields you have gotten - good job to the both of you. Too bad I won´t get anywhere close to that:-?

Well I think I am approaching harvest time myself, I am a little concerned about picking the right time to harvest though as I have not done this before. I have read multiple threads that say you will know it by the looks of them when they are the most ripe, and no doubt a experienced grower can tell - but it might be a bit harder when its your first grow. I have ordered a microscope to try and look at the crystals for some guidance the only problem is I will not get it for another 2 weeks and I´m a bit worried I´ll miss the optimal window for harvest if I wait for it. According to the seed company these are 65 day autos, which means they will be done 06-13-2011. I know these estimates fluctuate according to many factors, but still it is an auto with a limited lifespand so I´m still using this as sort of a guideline to when I should start my flush.
I will be harvesting more than once since there is quite a difference in maturity of the buds. I did promise myself not to do it this way, because of not being able to use my carbonfilter for the drying until everything is harvested, but it will probably result in getting more bud with maximum potency.
Anyways I guess what I´m getting at is if you guys feel like helping out a bit with determing harvest time? it would be greatly appreciated. I know this is difficult to determine just from the pictures I can show you, but it will ease my mind a bit having your opinions in the equation too.
I have taken 2 pictures inside the tent of the most mature bud (atleast in my eyes), the main cola of the lady that have been developing the fastest throughout the entire grow. (hope its ok me postings these - do not want to step on anybodys toes (again:))).

Any input on harvest time will be appreciated :D

Btw thank you both for all your comments regarding drying and curing, this is pretty much the way I´ve been planing to this based on research from this site and the web.
So seeing that this is also the way you are actually doing it, have made me confident in this part of the process atleast.

(Damn this joint made me high lol)

Anyway keep up the good work guys:)

Smoke on


Active Member
Too right about the varying opinions on curing. The bible I read (Cervantes') actually states that hang drying should go up until the point where the stems "snap" and not bend but I chose to jar before this. As I said I may have been slightly preemptive on my initial harvest when the jars shot up to 74% Rh in a few hours after sealing them but I wasn't off by much. I definitely have a better game plan for curing for the next harvest.

I decided to try not flushing and drowning my root systems of 3 of my plants. I got the idea from this thread and the results have been good so far. From equal days curing the buds from drowned plants look and smoke much better than my plant that was just flushed in the last week.

Oh, I made a batch of hash with one of the trimming bags and it was delicious! I didn't weigh my results or anything but the smoke was amazing and lasted me a good 15-16 small bowls.
I have heard a few that say go until stem snaps before jaring but those were mostly older videos and literature most now seem to say jar and good bend and flex back and open and remove more often over the first few days...
But really it's all about just watching the RH and not letting em get too wet or too dry.
I was hitting 72% when I started jarring, I just laid em out for longer periods and now as it doesn't go above 52% so I just open the jar 1-2 times a day and move em around a bit. So far so good!

All I got so far is finger hash hehe but I have all my sugar leaves in the freezer and got my bublebags ready to go :)


Active Member
Hey again guys
Been away from the site for a while, but I am finally back to following your journal:)
First of I´d like to apoligize for my previous posts where I might have overdone it regarding posting my pics. I did not in any way, shape or form mean to take over your journal Kevin, I guess I was just excited about finally finding some intelligent people to discuss this with which is also more or less on the same "level" as myself. Again I apoligize if I in anyway offended you by this:cry:

I see you´ve both been harvesting and I can´t believe those incredible yields you have gotten - good job to the both of you. Too bad I won´t get anywhere close to that:-?

Well I think I am approaching harvest time myself, I am a little concerned about picking the right time to harvest though as I have not done this before. I have read multiple threads that say you will know it by the looks of them when they are the most ripe, and no doubt a experienced grower can tell - but it might be a bit harder when its your first grow. I have ordered a microscope to try and look at the crystals for some guidance the only problem is I will not get it for another 2 weeks and I´m a bit worried I´ll miss the optimal window for harvest if I wait for it. According to the seed company these are 65 day autos, which means they will be done 06-13-2011. I know these estimates fluctuate according to many factors, but still it is an auto with a limited lifespand so I´m still using this as sort of a guideline to when I should start my flush.
I will be harvesting more than once since there is quite a difference in maturity of the buds. I did promise myself not to do it this way, because of not being able to use my carbonfilter for the drying until everything is harvested, but it will probably result in getting more bud with maximum potency.
Anyways I guess what I´m getting at is if you guys feel like helping out a bit with determing harvest time? it would be greatly appreciated. I know this is difficult to determine just from the pictures I can show you, but it will ease my mind a bit having your opinions in the equation too.
I have taken 2 pictures inside the tent of the most mature bud (atleast in my eyes), the main cola of the lady that have been developing the fastest throughout the entire grow. (hope its ok me postings these - do not want to step on anybodys toes (again:))).
View attachment 1637261View attachment 1637262

Any input on harvest time will be appreciated :D

Btw thank you both for all your comments regarding drying and curing, this is pretty much the way I´ve been planing to this based on research from this site and the web.
So seeing that this is also the way you are actually doing it, have made me confident in this part of the process atleast.

(Damn this joint made me high lol)

Anyway keep up the good work guys:)

Smoke on

No worries bro Let me read this all and I'll get back to ya :)


Active Member
So they say 65 your plants will probably go 80.
Grab any old magnifying glass for now and get used to looking at the trichomes.
You will see a .........
Look here

So that's what we are looking at and what you want to see is it get a big fat head on the top and go from clear to milky, any time after that can be harvest time. The limit to where degradation of the tlc starts is at 50% or more amber trichomes.
Not from experience so much as googling a lot lol
All my partial harvest have been so far just very milky and some heads (seen at 40X) actually swollen to the point where they fell off.
Yesterdays partial I saw about 30% amber thrichs on a few tops.

Remember the 'optimal window' slides in two directions head buzz (up feeling) to couch lock (self explanatory).
Usually most new growers are too impatient. Keep that in mind and relax a bit :)

Be careful regarding odor. I have mine drying in my veg box that has an odor sok and 165 cfm fan and I can still smell it outside the room.
Maybe trimming in small batches will be ok. If not you will find out quick and have to convert the grow tent with the carbon filter to your dry room.
That is why it is a good idea to be patient and keep an eye on things. Keep them healthy and happy and you won't miss the deadline for a while still.

They are looking great btw :D


Active Member
Well thx for the reply and the links:)

I do know about the trichomes and I have read that thread already, but it never hurts to read it twice so thx again:)
I have been looking regularly for the last 3 weeks or so through an old magnifying glass, but it is only 3x so its very limited as to how much you can actually see.
This is why I am a bit concerned about missing the best time to harvest for my personal preference since I cannot really see the trichomes until I get that microscope in 2 weeks or so (hopefully sooner). I know a lot of new growers are to impatient, and to be honest I was too the first month or month and a half, but now I am pretty content just seeing how they grow and develop. I do actually quite often hope they will go longer than expected both to get some stronger bud but of course also to get a higher yield. So these concerns are really not my impatience speaking but rather inexperience/doubt I would say.
I read the flushing thread you linked in the post and it was a great read though a bit advanced. This just made me more confused I think :) I am now leaning more towards not doing a flush and instead cure for a little longer - whats your take on this?

Yea the buds do look awesome on those pictures but I think thats cause you can´t see how "leafy and airy" they are. Some places on the bud you can see the stalk in the middle of the bud and look further through to see the tent on the other side. Dunno if this is normal but I sure hope they will dank up before its harvest time.

(btw I apoligize if my english is a bit messy, but it is my second language after all :roll:)

Smoke on :blsmoke:


Active Member
Also I see you choose the bubblebags to make hash with - great choice :D
I´ve always wanted to try making hash this way, its just so damn expensive to try if you gotta buy the weed besides the fact its a shame making it from nice buds I think.
But keep us updated when you get to making the hash, I am very interesting in how it turns out:)


Active Member
Hey KotG,

I purchased a cheapo 30x stamp microscope and the damn thing was so touchy that I ended up inspecting my trichs with a 16x jeweler's loop. I decided on harvesting when I started seeing a few amber trichs on a few bud sites since I desired a "cerebral" high over couch lock. Next harvest I'll chop 2 down for cerebral and then chop the other 2 a week or so after to try for the couch lock high.

You could judge approximate harvest time by just looking at the hairs coming out of your buds. You'd want to harvest around the time that most of the white hairs have turned brown/amber/red for harvesting. You can also gauge by looking at your calyxes in similar vein. When the small white hairs turn golden and start to recede then you should harvest.


Active Member
Hey Enco :)

Thx for the reply.
Well I do have that 3x loop atm its the only one I can get a hold where I live though, unless I wanna spend a fortune on it (150$+ for 10x) and thats why I decided to try and order a cheap scope on the internet. I´m going for a mix of couch lock and cerebral high so it may just come in time for the second half of the harvest atleast as I have decided to do a partial.
The hairs on the more mature cola and buds have gone from white to yellow to orange will they continue to turn color into a more red/amber color? As far as I can tell they have not started receeding yet and the calyxes does look a bit bigger but does not appear "swollen".

I´m taking the plants out in a few days to empty and clean the rez, I´ll try and take some better pictures without that hps lighting:D

Thx again


Active Member
:eyesmoke:Hey guys! Glad to see the three of us are sharing and helping each other.
I'm really beat! Worked a 12 hour day and then had to do a water change and clean up on one of my aquariums. Then had to do some laundry and stuff (gotta have clean shorts lol).
AND then I harvested another third of all but one of my plants (over 2 hours).
The lower I go the more technical the manicuring is. I cut myself for the first time today while trimming.

Regarding magnification tool my 40X jewelers loop is awesome very basic and clear. A scope you have to lock on and adjust. Loop or loupe is easier.

The last couple of partial harvest I had sticky fingers but tonight I feel like my whole hands are sticky lol
I have pics. to follow...


Active Member
Some of tonights work. Pile on the left is the few remaining fan leaves picked. Pile on the right is around 80% sugar leaves :)
I'm getting ahead of myself though lol



Active Member
Yea I´m so glad I passed this thread by coincidence and met you guys:D

Sounds like quite a day, atleast it ended with some weed cropping:)
I just estimated how many jars I need and had to go buy twice as many (yay! :)), can´t imagine how many of those suckers you will be using when you´re done harvesting lol.

So I´ve been measuring the temp and RH% in the different options of drying outside my tent that I have and it looks like its going to be a problem. As I have understood the best conditions for it to dry in would be 45-55% RH and a temparature of 65-75 degrees - any opinions on this?
I have one option where the RH is spot on, but the temparature is at 75-80 degrees you think this will be ok to dry them in? or do you have any suggestions of a cheap way of bringing the temp down? I tried bottles of frozen water in front of the fan, but the humidity went up to about 70% RH.
Guess I might have to harvest it all at the same time, though I decided on a partial. Anyways hopefully I´ll get some couchlock and some "cerebral" high if I do it all in one take.

Smoke on


Active Member
You have pretty much the right ideal conditions KoTG in mind but anything above or below the ideals will just change the drying time a bit. Higher temperatures will mean that your crop will dry faster and higher humidity will make it so your crop dries slower. Higher humidity and you'll run a higher risk of mold as well.

You should never have direct air flowing over your crop (ie fan blowing onto it) but you do want a bit of air circulation. Many people set a fan below just to circulate air; I hung my crop in a bathroom and turned on the bathroom fan.

Hang drying times vary but I think the real key to nice buds is the curing in airtight jars in which both your temps and RH will be high initially either way.


Active Member
EC always says what I was going to say! lol
Good advice as always.
Yeah I got 14 jars empty and going to get another 12 pack :)
Also I'm going to be removing stems soon and storing jars more densely


Active Member
Well enco (and kevin) what I´m worried about is the heat issue, not so much the weed drying faster but at what point does it begin to degrade the THC. I do not know if it will begin degrading at 80 degrees or it takes higher temperatures but at some point it will begin to happen. But you think my 45-55% RH and temparature at about 80 will do fine?
And what about the no flushing, you got any experience with that enco? as far as I remember you did flush yours right kev?

Looking good Kevin, how much you got left to harvest still?


Active Member
Sorry for the long delay.
Work and life have kept me on my toes.

So as for the grow-harvest-curing all is going well.
Had 20 jars curing but the first batch (6 jars) was ready to be broken down more after 2 weeks in jars. After removing all the stems 6 jars became 3 ¾ full jars.
I have quite a few batches to watch and burp but it is going well.
Not much left to harvest now, about ¼ of plant 'A' and 'F' and it's done.
Kinda sad...
One of the trunks was so thick I had to use a saw to cut her down, I felt bad lol
I would say 80 degrees would be max temp you want. Room rh at 55% is ok so you are good.
Good ventilation is really important too not blowing right on your drying plants but circulating the air.
I am using my veg box so I have the odor sok and fan going at the top, the plants are hanging in the middle and a oscillating on the bottom (both on low).
As far as flushing or flooding before harvest, for me the jury is still out.
I did flush but kept adding gravity. I don't know if I would flush again or not. I would probably try not flushing to see the difference.

Some pics of more harvesting (I had a lot more but I don't know where they ended up like I said stuff has been busy here).

