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Thats about the cheapest you will find on e.b.a.y. What sort of medium were you thinking about useing?
well i was wanting one that will fit about 3 plants in meaning grow 3 plants up to 5 may be 6ft each .. my old friend had one he had a 100xxl dont no what he used to fit in that ..


Active Member
Because it is still a living thing. Respect the MJ dude, it treats you pretty well. Would you want to be euthanized just for having a penis?

And who knows, maybe it will pollinate a female out there and in 5 years, you will have a field of natural marijuana plants.

As far as your setup and veg and flowering. This will be REALLLY brief because I have work in like an hour :P

You have your light, it needs to be on a timer. the two most common light schedules are 12/12 and 18/6.

These correspond to the different life cycles of the plant. 18/6 is for the vegetative stage of the plant where it starts out in its life cycle. This stage is for node growth and is important for high yields.

12/12 is the light cycle that corresponds to the flowering stage of the plant. This is the stage where you get your buds and seeds if applicable. When you switch to 12/12, the plant thinks that fall is starting(Shorter days) and it goes into reproduction mode. This is where the THC in the females really starts to be produced. THC as far as I have read is only meant for male pollen to stick to. It just happens to be the psychoactive substance(among many others) that we use to get medicated.

When you switch to 12/12 you will see a few things. First, you will see stretching of your plant.(Not sure why, someone chime in please) Second you will see your first preflowers at all the node sites on the plant. Preflowers can be male or female and this is the most surefire way to tell the difference between them.

This is something that you are going to have to experience for yourself but a male flower looks like a banana. a female flower looks like a seed that has two white hairs coming out of it.

I don't remember the rest of your question, but I am off to work.

Peace & Pot Errbody!


New Member
hello everybody my name is ...watever and i have absolutely no idea what im doing...........first line in his grow.........


New Member
i think the kit could be good for a new guy ready to get started u got what u need other than a timer unless im missing something


No m8 i am looking in to a full kit but the other person said it needs a timer . i already knew it needs a timer to time when to turn it from 12/12 ect .. i am just wating to learn more about how to grow thats all . am new to it a no a few basics but not the best in the world at it .


New Member
stick that girl in there and wait nothing to it ......where is she now???.......what u want to know????


ma mate has her at the moment, am looking at the best kit m8 then i can put her in there . she is a haze lol


me mate has her at the mo .. just looking for the best kit like and were to put it with out stinking the place down .. she is a haze lol


this is strickly a hobbie i always wanted to do .. i think its great the way you can watch somethink grow and know its urs .. i just need to know it wont stink my place down .. it shouldnt be to bad with it being just 1 plant .. i could always use a ono block


if any one can guide me on it then that would be great ,, i am going to buy the tent kit this weekend and then put my newborn plant in it lol .. after that am fucked ha then i will need some help with temps food ect ... also the smellll i dont want ppl to smell what i have lurking around ha lol


New Member
where u gonna put the tent a closet with no ventilation? maybe a spare bedroom with a window open?


u can get the kit with ventilation m8 i think .. u can get ono block aswell also put a fan in it tooo .. av u got 1


New Member
ventilation wont do much good if the heat doesnt go anywhere ..........just goes out gets sucked back in........others will tell u different but a hundred degrees is too hot .........i dont use a tent i got a whole room .......and a lil room.......and another room but the concept is the same