New to this so please bear with me


New Member
Hello everybody,

this has probably been covered so please feel free to direct me to a thread. I didn't have the time to dredge through all the posts.

Story short - male, 43, diagnosed with MS, have tried smoking weed for pain management and it works well for me, sick of buying other people's so want to start my own little garden.

I have looked at several places on-line and do not want to go the hydroponic route. Pots and compost will be fine.

I have found a place that can supply me with seed at a good price. After that , what?

It seems that when I get the feminised seed I should leave it between two moist pieces of kitchen roll in a dark (light less) place undisturbed for about three days or until a little root pops out.

When a little root is visible, I then plant the seed in a pot of compost (garden centre?) about one inch under the compost surface and then cover. Sprinkle a little water on the chap and leave him be, sprinkling a little water on him (well her I believe) every day but not too much. After a little time a plant should start emerging and so follow the same routine with the water and leave her under a lamp so she gets plenty of light and heat. Will an ordinary house-lamp do the trick? (remember that this is a small scale personal use only set-up). Give her some fresh air with a little breeze etc.?

Let her grow until how high? Which bits do I pull off, and smoke? How much drying out time does she need? If I have one plant and want to grow more, where do the seeds come from from the plant?

Sorry if these questions seem a little numb, but as stated I am new to the Walter White game,




Well-Known Member
Okay. You seem to be on a good start. Lets just start here..., First your light will noy be strong enough. I wouldnt use less than 150w for one small i.e. 2foot plant. Which would yield an oz or less. So determine how much you want to yield to determine plant size and amount of light.

To germ, yes leave between two peices of strong paper towels. Check every 24 hrs. Once you have about a quarter inch root, plant it. About an inch and keep moist. You will see a little plant in the next 3 days. So start there and keep posting your progress so people can help. It is much more complicated and more fun than some people think. Good luck and.happy gardening. Sorry if i didnt fully answer your question. your question is very open ended.


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,

this has probably been covered so please feel free to direct me to a thread. I didn't have the time to dredge through all the posts.

Story short - male, 43, diagnosed with MS, have tried smoking weed for pain management and it works well for me, sick of buying other people's so want to start my own little garden.

I have looked at several places on-line and do not want to go the hydroponic route. Pots and compost will be fine.

I have found a place that can supply me with seed at a good price. After that , what?

It seems that when I get the feminised seed I should leave it between two moist pieces of kitchen roll in a dark (light less) place undisturbed for about three days or until a little root pops out.

When a little root is visible, I then plant the seed in a pot of compost (garden centre?) about one inch under the compost surface and then cover. Sprinkle a little water on the chap and leave him be, sprinkling a little water on him (well her I believe) every day but not too much. After a little time a plant should start emerging and so follow the same routine with the water and leave her under a lamp so she gets plenty of light and heat. Will an ordinary house-lamp do the trick? (remember that this is a small scale personal use only set-up). Give her some fresh air with a little breeze etc.?

Let her grow until how high? Which bits do I pull off, and smoke? How much drying out time does she need? If I have one plant and want to grow more, where do the seeds come from from the plant?

Sorry if these questions seem a little numb, but as stated I am new to the Walter White game,


I would start with a soil labeled as light such as fox farm lightwarrior. Because soils like ocean forest is too strong for seedlings.
Stay away from miracle grow... seriously.


Well-Known Member

I would start with a soil labeled as light such as fox farm lightwarrior. Because soils like ocean forest is too strong for seedlings.
Stay away from miracle grow... seriously.

And back to the light. Anyone who wants a plant thats worth anything wouldnt use less than a 400watt. I have 2400w on 12plants.


Active Member
I'd say 400w is about min if using cfl's. But please consider risks. Smell, light, heat, security, humidity, dark period required etc. Do some further research if your not sure. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I'd say 400w is about min if using cfl's. But please consider risks. Smell, light, heat, security, humidity, dark period required etc. Do some further research if your not sure. Good luck.

Yes. I hate to say to some ppl. But its cultivating isnt something you just pick up and do. It is intially frustrating i assure you but its still one of the most rewarding experiences when you smoke your own smoke;)


Well-Known Member
one tip, to germ, just put the seed in the soil, keep moist, use a seed propagation tray thing, they are cheap as.

you should use a min 400w, depending on your area, maybe just go straight to a 600w. i went 400w to 600w and now a 1000w. i used the 400 for vegging.

if you used a good quality soil remember you dont really need any nutes for the first month.

invest in a good centrofugal fan / filter


Well-Known Member
one tip, to germ, just put the seed in the soil, keep moist, use a seed propagation tray thing, they are cheap as.

you should use a min 400w, depending on your area, maybe just go straight to a 600w. i went 400w to 600w and now a 1000w. i used the 400 for vegging.

if you used a good quality soil remember you dont really need any nutes for the first month.

invest in a good centrofugal fan / filter

I just like the paper towel because i can see wen its ready and i dont gwt so.anxious waiting for the soil to break lol


Virtually Unknown Member
you need to do some reading. there are many good articles here for newbies. maybe get a couple of grow books as well.


New Member
Thanks for all the replies. It's good to know that help is available.

I have just ordered my first batch of seeds. 5 feminised Blueberry Kush seeds are now on their way to Denmark from the UK.

To start with I am going the mellow route. The stuff I currently have makes me cough like a whore with TB (nice image). After work today I'm off to get a lamp and some compost. Exciting.


Well-Known Member
fair enough, but your success rate will go up if you dont and then you wont need to get anxious chill out my friend :)

Sure sure. Soild totally works and does eliminate the chances of the taproot curling around ur seed head. But i hit 100%on 13 seeds and above 85% using towels. But they can b cheap paper towels or they dry to fast and i put mine between two ceramic bowls


New Member
Hello again,

a little update - I germinated my first batch of seeds. 48 hours in a glass of water. From the 6 seeds I got four seedlings. After that they spent a couple of days between moist kitchen towel. They are now planted in soil and are a couple of inches tall.

Today I got my second batch of seeds. They are currently sitting in a glass of water waiting for the roots to pop out and I got a seedling tray ready with compost for when they deicide to pop out.

I'm still a bit confused about which bit to actually smoke. A bit early yet to think about it, but... Has anyone got some pictures of exactly how they should look with big red lines as to which is the smokeable bit? When explaining, think pre-school age - that's my level of understanding.where I am.

