new to using ppm meter


Active Member
Hello my fello growers.I am on my first inside grow.Fed last 30 days with ffof.Now the feeding is all on me.Any tips or lessons already learned would really help.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I use FFOF with Happy Frog and some added earthworm castings. I, like you, have to start feeding at 3-4 wks depending on strain. I use liquid fish emulsion every other or every third watering, depending on the plants needs. I also use high p guano, high n guano, molasses, cal-mag, and liquid kharma. I usually top dress with the guanos as needed, and mix the rest with the fish emulsion. I don't use my ppm meter if I'm not using hydroponics though. Just start small and work your way up. The more familiar you are with your nutes, the better your results will be.


Well-Known Member
Since Iv'e been using an ec meter I never burn my plants. Most feeding charts will tell you specificallywhat your ec should be at each week of growth.