Newb needs help with spam definition


Well-Known Member
Apparently I dont know the definition of the word spamming. I thought it was someone repeatedly posting the same thing over and over with no other intention but to draw attention.
I started a thread trying to share videos and experience and information about medical cannabis equipment and concentrates. As well as reviews and things. I was hiping lots of others would add theirs also. Because some people thought it was spam when there was a whole conversation going on.
My thread was removed. So unless everyone likes your thread dont post it. For gods sake dont share a video and explain it.
Someone please explain what spamming is.... I figured the newbie section was the best place to post as it seems like a newb question.......


Well-Known Member
Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send
an unsolicited message, especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site.More at Wikipedia

Whining like a cry-baby in the noobs forum ain't spamming

I've yet to define the english word for that

if you have anal warts or even a bitch with admin

take it to him