Newbie but have read alot...looking for pointers!!


Active Member
Hey I have always tried putting a seed or two in dirt and see what happens. Ive read alot and many posts on this forum have been great. I am trying to get a bit more serious without going and building a grow room and spending alot of money. So here is what I have done, and please take a look at the pics I post as well.


I had somoe seeds from bag in the past, so I put them in potting soil and sprouted them. I had them unuder a simple Home Depot bought plant light (florescent) for about 5 days, and then put them outsidde to let nature do her thing.

Ive kept them well watered, and after growing to a descent size, started the 12/12 process to get them to bud. I have others that I am still growing. These are all in pots. I have re potted a couple of them to bigger pots. I also have 5 plants I planted outside inthe woods, and added rich potting soil to the earth to help. See pics.

For about 2 weeks now, I am using FloraGrow for my smaller ones, and FloraBloom for the three that I am 12/12ing in order to get them to bud. The three I am budding all seem to be female (phew!).

Please take a look at my pics, and help me can I get the most out of what Ive grown and how do I do it without investing money into it. I enjoy the process and the hobby and of course the smoke of it..but dont have the money or room to build and setup a grow room with the intricate tests, mixtures, and what not.

Thanks alot guys and girls...Ive learned alot from all of your posts, and I look forard to any help you can give me.


Active Member
thanks bro.

so ive been doing the 12/12 thing for about a week or so now. when shoudl i expect to see a pop in the budding, and how long do i do the 12/12 thing in general?


Active Member
any help guys? i want to max my yield without going nuts with systems and lighting. thanks guys.


Active Member
dont be shy on the nutes....try using some shooting powder on ur budding plants along with the ur homework with the shooting powder, ive never used it but know people who got incredible results with it.!


Active Member
dont be shy on the nutes....try using some shooting powder on ur budding plants along with the ur homework with the shooting powder, ive never used it but know people who got incredible results with it.!
nks for the heads up on shooting powder. after reading about it, it does sound like it does good things, but a small mistake and you screw everything up. think i might look more into it, and let nature do it course. i keep bringing the plants in and out of my shed 12/12, and the buds seem to be growing nicely.

i dont know whay my plants are getting all bushy like i see others in pics...anyone??