Newbie Grow w/ Ebb and Flow

Robert Paulson

Active Member
If you have been following my grow you know that I have been having humidity issues in my grow room. The cause is not the plants or the hydro but the wet weather outside. To make matters worse my intake draws air from under the house, which is really wet air (I laid a t-shirt over the intake and it didn't take long to get wet. To remedy this situation I decided to do a homemade dehumidifier.

To do this I took a plastic pot, drilled a bunch of holes it it, recessed it into the hole of my intake, and filled with charcoal.

I did all of this last night. Since then the outside humidity has risen by 10% but the humidity in my room has dropped by 20%!!!:hump:

I also put a coffee can full of charcoal in the room with a fan blowing on it for a little extra. The charcoal I used was all natural oak chunks (perfect). I the charcoal begins to lose its effectiveness I plan on adding road salt to the charcoal. Check it out let me know if you have any other suggestions or questions.View attachment 971521View attachment 971520View attachment 971519

Robert Paulson

Active Member
Progress is going good, still battling the powdery mildew. the humidity outside is just too much, but the milk has been keeping it under control. I'm really not too worried about it, I just hope i'm not going to have to deal with it every grow. I was thinking of switching my feeding schedule. the system currently feeds for 15 min 4 times a day. i was thinking of pumping it up to six. any thoughts?

anyway here are pics from this morning, i'm very pleased with the progress. my buddy is growing the same strain with clones taken from the same mother, in a tent just like mine, and also with a scrog. however he is running dirt. he is also 15 days ahead of me, but my nugs are more numerous and almost the same size! it's amazing the difference between hydro and dirt. his largest fan leaf is only as big as my smallest fan leaves!
Jun 9 2.jpgJun 9 3.jpgJun 9 1.jpgJun 9 7.jpgJun 9 4.jpgJun 9 5.jpg


Well-Known Member
im using rhino skin(silica) to help my PM issue also potassium bicarbonate helps but will but will burn leaf tips during flowering.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
thanks for the info but i think i'm gonna stick with the milk. these clones were infected when i got them and i failed to notice, so all i can do is just try to keep it under control. i seem to be winning the battle for the most part. the weather isn't helping me any, it's pretty much been ideal conditions for pm outside, around 60 degrees with 100% humidity.

have you read the got mildew get milk article? google search it, it has some great info.


Well-Known Member
actually I have and have referred it in this thread,that is nice to know that you like it,I will keep that in mind if I have future issues
I have several pages where I was helping a gent doing a medical grow he had a bad case of it late in flower.only problems I ever had was with the BLACK clone cubes you get with the domes PM loves those things.

Here is link the convo starts about half way down page.
actually did recommend the milk treatment to him

I have got clones from dispensary with PM problems and I swear by a premium potassium silicate(silica)weather it be AN or DM gold,this stuff always helps and prevents in future during flowering.silica is just great stuff for plants hell humans also even your HIGH performance race tires use silica to make them better

Robert Paulson

Active Member
right on, i will have to check that out if this problem persists, which i think it will (at least til the weather dries out a bit). soon though these mamas will be gone, i just hope i can rid myself of the contamination so my new babies don't get it.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
Well I haven't been on here in a while, so I suppose it's time for an update. We are now just over six weeks into flower and the growth is great, however, the powdery mildew war rages on. I believe that I am winning, though. To help combat the mildew I've bumped up my grow room temps so that they are never below 75, I also added a dehumidifier and a sulfur burner to the room. I am also keeping up with the milk treatments. This powdery mildew really wants to grow but I will not let it win. My buddy, who I got the clones and powdery mildew from, had one plant die from it and had to harvest the rest of the plants at 6 weeks or lose it all. They probably could have been saved but he didn't want any advice. So here are some pics from this morning.

Jun 26 1.jpgJun 26 4.jpgJun 26 5.jpgJun 26 6.jpg

Comments/Ideas welcome :peace: