Newbie Growbox question


Active Member
SO I am new to the entire growing scene and have tried to put in alot of research but not sure if it has actually gotten me anywhere. Although everyone claims that buying prefabricated growboxes is a bad idea I was wondering what a system like this would work like.

I may be completley wrong with this idea but I want to grow for myself ...Maybe 2 ounces a month? But I would like to keep this sytem constant. Of course I can store my plants for rainy days but anyway to the point.
I was wondering how well 2 of these would work. I would have one dedicated to cloning/vegetative growing and the other one used for flowering. Once it is done flowering I would then swap the 2 box cycles.

Has anyone used these boxes before? I am sure there are better do it yourselves out there but ive been having a hard time finding one to fit my needs. If anyone has anymore advice from being in my position please let me know =)

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
They would work, but you wont get 2OZ a month. I would make my own (in fact i did) its cheaper, and because you built it if anything breaks down you can fix it. just read up on this board and assemble your parts.