Newbie requires advice on super silent intake/extractor fans

I've never used any sort of fan system before, so have little experience at all. I'm planning on building my own carbon filter, as detailed here:

I'm using the Aerogarden Deluxe, inside a Hydrolab tent (120cm x 60 cm x 60cm), which has space for 2 x 7" intakes and 1 x 7" extractor.

Are there any models on the market which are genuinely silent? This may actually be common, but I've read such superlatives about water pumps and found they are actually quite noisy.

Do I need to use both intake holes, or should one be fine? I'm growing no more than 4 autoflowers at once.

Thanks. :)


Well-Known Member
OK here is the low down.

If you have a decent enough exhaust fan then the 2 holes in your tent only need to be passive intakes (this means just open holes).

Unfortunately most inline Centrifugal fans on the market usually generate between 30dB and 60dB depending on size and CFM rating.

Once connected to ducting etc they do reduce the noise that come from them as long as you use acoustic ducting.

then there are also silencers to reduce the noise of the fans.

It would help to know what lighting you are using for this grow and then the fan could be matched to your lighting.

Basically a 250w HPS will require less cooling than a 600w HPS for example.

If you could specify your light i could help you a little further.

I'm just using the standard bulbs which comes with it:

3 x 27w CFL (AFAIK)

It's not so much for getting rid of heat, but getting ride of the smell. I was considering getting an LED, but have been warned off doing so on here.


I use a Panasonic whisper inline fan rated for 240cfms, 6" duct, and rated for continues use. Its 1.4 sones or mid 30's dba which is pretty quiet. Its about the size of a case of water tho but I can say its powerful. I pushed through my carbon filter which muffled the sound even more. the fan is bigger then whats needed for my room (LxWxH) so a passive vent at the bottom causes a negative pressure so no need for a intake fan. hope that helps.