Newbie Vent Question


Active Member
I was wondering if it is possible to use something like the Home&cm_pla=Home Environment&cm_ite=H173246

to vent a grow room. I am pretty sure it wouldnt work because I need air flowing in and air flowing out? Im not exactly growing in an air tight container though. I am using a big metal toolbox ( 7x3x1.5) and I would like to keep it outdoors in winter so I am thinking that this may be a way of controlling temp as well. My point being that I would very much like to not cut big vent holes in my toolbox so I was wondering if there is an alternative way (keeping in mind I may be dealing with cold air issues soon). I have also hear of an auto environment controller and wasnt sure if thats what I just linked to or if it is the answer to my problems.