Newbie Wants to try hydro grow questions???


Active Member

I am interested in growing hydro and need your advice on a setup. I am going to get a stealth setup. The single DWC looks like a good start but I have heard someone say it was hard to keep the PH correct in the single pot as compared to the larger system. They also have a 4 plants DWC system that looks good as an intermediate option! They even sell it with 6 months of nutes and a few extras. Finally there is the 6 pot system which costs the most but I could get a nicer yield. My big question is when you grow in these systems how can the plant mature and yield well in such small pots? I am assumming the plants stays in the bubbleponics system it's whole life without transplanting!? Well these system have these tiny 4" pots and I can't see how a big plant can grow in that, although the root system would have plenty of room I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Yep, its having room for the root system.
I have plants in 2 inch net pots that are almost four feet tall.
As long as the stalks don't get more then 2 inches think I am OK. (they wont)

In my opinion the larger systems like the water farms with eight buckets are fine as long as you change it so all the water drains back to a single res. That way you can control one res of water not eight.