Newbie ? - why grow?


hey everyone! I've been reading around but a lot of stuff I've been finding is on HOW to grow but noone really talks about why to grow my own, it seems like a lot of work!

I was hoping some people could shed some light and help me figure out what the benefits of growing my own are..

besides the obvious of saving money, whats wrong with just buying it from a dealer or clinic? isnt the quality the same

I'm really new at all this... thanks so much!!! :weed::joint:


Active Member
I doubt the stuff you make will be as good as the stuff you buy on your first grow. But it'll get there and surpass it if you do a good job. Also, it is fucking easy as pie, basically free, and leaves you with endless banging smoke... who needs convincing?


Well-Known Member
Because it can be very cost effective (some people can get it as low as $4-$8 per oz). A lot of people really enjoy it. With experience and dedication you can grow some of the highest quality weed you've come across. If you have supply issues it is a huge benefit.


Well-Known Member
If you have a medical card and money is not an issue, then it's a simple question of whether it's the type of hobby you'd enjoy. Never thought I would as in attempts to grow other things I had a brown thumb, but the lure of producing superior smoke and the sense of accomplishment when achieved has developed skills I never had before (I'm growing house plants all over now) and a hobby for life.


Well-Known Member
If I only get a # it only cost $25.00 an OZ.
It's over $300.00 an ounce from the CoOp for the same thing H.S.


Well-Known Member
a few more reasons I thought of.

If you grow your own you know you aren't sending money to some organized crime syndicate who might be hurting people. You don't have to deal with other people who might rat you out, and you don't have to transport things that could get you in trouble. You also know that nothing harmful has been used to produce what you are smoking.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone! I've been reading around but a lot of stuff I've been finding is on HOW to grow but noone really talks about why to grow my own, it seems like a lot of work!

I was hoping some people could shed some light and help me figure out what the benefits of growing my own are..

besides the obvious of saving money, whats wrong with just buying it from a dealer or clinic? isnt the quality the same

I'm really new at all this... thanks so much!!! :weed::joint:
If you have to ask you are probably better off just buying what you need.


Well-Known Member
hhhmmmm , for my for grow I had an inital investment of $600. I harvested 12 1/2 ounces after drying and curing. Thats a lot of cheap smoke for the wife and myself. This second grow cost me $15 for Rockwool blocks and $45 for more nutes . ( I still have some from first grow ). I intend to harvest more this time. Why NOT grow ?


Well-Known Member
the only thing hard about it is initial cost with the lighting system thats it...whats so hard about watering pots every 3 days? you dont need nutes if u dont want to nor use a hydroponic system


Active Member
My reasons, well........not getting ripped off by dirty dealers, the pure pleaseure of growing and smoking your own bud, being able to produce some quality stuff in your own closet!

And one other (pricipal) reason for me here in Brazil, we get weed in little compressed bricks with seeds, sticks and leaves all mixed in, then what the dirty fucking dealers do to increase volume is add an array of other shit to it, I have heard horror stories (dog shit, cow/horse shit, dirt) all mixed in just to make more cash. So yeah when I'm growing, I'm growing exactly what I want, and wont end up smoking some fuck wits dog shit! So yeah, sorry I get a little emotional about it, but it makes me sad that it's so hard to get good quality stuff here. But anyway, thats why I am on the do it yourself side of the fence.

I hope my baby White Widows grow into strong high producing ladies.............


Active Member
The biggest reason is you know exactly what your smoking. Use good organics & it'll be the sweetist thing youve ever smoked. If you independantly wealthy then by all means, buy it or have someone else grow it for you


Well-Known Member
When you grow yourself you control the marijuana quality, quantity, price and the type of people you associate with.