Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s


Well-Known Member

Day 43:
Girls still doing good... the spurt seemed to make them crave that blue light again, always leaning towards it. Jane is now about as tall as Fox (though fox has one more set of leaves... working on set #9), while little Sway is just where jane was a couple days ago!!

OH! Also, all of a sudden I'm getting new growth at the nodes with all three! Its like they woke up one morning and decided it was time to get it done. LOL Finally! lateral growth :clap:

I keep meaning to put foil over the pots, but I'm out, and always ALWAYS forget to pick it up. crap.

One question I haven't really stressed is about the bottom leaves... now i know the first or second set tend to dry up, but should this have happened already?? The first set on all of them died off awhile ago, and just recently... the second set. Slowly they turn yellow, then shrivel up.

Is this normal? Do I need to worry about set #3??

If its not normal? Am i just looking and nute burn from the beginning.. or i've been doing some reading... could it be MG deff?? Or Nute lockout with pH?? Like I said before, I do have a little trouble keeping my pH down to 5.8-6.0... but it doesn't fluctuate past 6.4... 6.6 on occasion, usually after res change...



Active Member
It's perfectly normal man, chill! As they get taller the bottom-most leaves will gradually wither away as the plants chuck all their energy into their flowers. Also, as they get really mature, like in the last week or two of flowering they'll do it even more. It's just that the plants don't need those leaves any more cos they're getting all the light they need from the top ones as the lower ones are becoming shaded. Also towards the end, you'll notice a lot of the leaves shrivelling back and going yellow, especially during the 'flushing' stage. All perfectly natural, just the plant using up all her energy and reserves into putting as much as it can into your lovely lovely schmoking schtuff. mmmm. I can't wait for you to smoke your first doob from your first grow, it's such a HUGE sense of achievement!

I've got me some nice LED's on the way. The planning and building and growing is half the fun of schmoking. Love it!


Active Member

Day 43:

Is this normal? Do I need to worry about set #3??

Don't worry about set 3, if they're still there and the rest of the plant looks healthy it's cos she needs them. As the top ones get bigger and the bottom ones get more shaded, they may die off but not necessarily.

If they go yellow and the whole plant looks bad then it may be something more sinister.

It's often (not always)the top, newest sprouts that show the first signs of being sick as this is where the plant is concentrating it's energy and resources. With conditions like nute-burn tho, it's often the bottom ones that go - suddenly. If it's all happening in slow time and the tops are looking good then all is well and you have a healthy happy baby girl.

Oh man, i've just remembered you don't know what sex they are yet do you? EEEK! I hope you have some girls!

Have you thought about taking a small clone from each of them now, rooting it and putting it to 12/12 immediately whilst the main plants grow? If you do that you'll find out what sex they are right about the time they go to flower so you can get rid of the boys, leaving more room (=more light, nutes, O2, CO2 etc etc) for the girls and maybe even let them grow bigger.

Just my humble opinion and what i'd do if i had un-sexed plants.


Active Member
whats up thorn. so i take it you found some led's on ebay.
Yeah baby! It's gonna be a way off before i actually get to put them over some plants. I need to move house from germany to England + Christmas + new job starting etc etc

But i'm keeping myself destressed about it all by planning my next grow!


(And before anybody starts on me about LEDs are shit, go with HPS/MH etc etc, I KNOW that you get nowhere near the yield / maybe quality with LEDs but it's an experiment. i just wanna see how good it can ACTUALLY be for my own enjoyment. I've seen a lot of shite LED grows and one or two reasonable efforts too. Am planning and researching and planning some more, then i'll do a gro and change stuff and research some more. There's a guy around called LOKI who's shown some very promising results on lots of forums and i'd like to see for myself how it can be done. I need to be ULTRA discreet so HID's are no longer an option for me unfortunately. I've done HPS, i've done MH (Even a flowering under MH only experiment which worked out surprisingly well, that C99 was the best bud i and anyone who tried it, has EVER smoked. Sure the plants were quite small, but that was the idea behind it. Phenomenal. and i've done CFL's so i want to try something different. LED's seem the way to go for me at this time so i'm gonna give it a stab. It's either LEDs or nothing unfortunately. Oh how i'd love 24sq feet and a couple of 3000w of HPS to flower under but we all have to grow according to our own circumstances, right?

Anyways, i'm quite excited about it , and sorry for Hijacking your thread leggo, just needed to vent some excitement into the world cos there's nobody i can share (trust!) it with (with it!) here.


Peace all.


I'm going to Holland tomorrow! :bigjoint:


New Member
Yeah baby! It's gonna be a way off before i actually get to put them over some plants. I need to move house from germany to England + Christmas + new job starting etc etc

But i'm keeping myself destressed about it all by planning my next grow!


(And before anybody starts on me about LEDs are shit, go with HPS/MH etc etc, I KNOW that you get nowhere near the yield / maybe quality with LEDs but it's an experiment. i just wanna see how good it can ACTUALLY be for my own enjoyment. I've seen a lot of shite LED grows and one or two reasonable efforts too. Am planning and researching and planning some more, then i'll do a gro and change stuff and research some more. There's a guy around called LOKI who's shown some very promising results on lots of forums and i'd like to see for myself how it can be done. I need to be ULTRA discreet so HID's are no longer an option for me unfortunately. I've done HPS, i've done MH (Even a flowering under MH only experiment which worked out surprisingly well, that C99 was the best bud i and anyone who tried it, has EVER smoked. Sure the plants were quite small, but that was the idea behind it. Phenomenal. and i've done CFL's so i want to try something different. LED's seem the way to go for me at this time so i'm gonna give it a stab. It's either LEDs or nothing unfortunately. Oh how i'd love 24sq feet and a couple of 3000w of HPS to flower under but we all have to grow according to our own circumstances, right?

Anyways, i'm quite excited about it , and sorry for Hijacking your thread leggo, just needed to vent some excitement into the world cos there's nobody i can share (trust!) it with (with it!) here.


Peace all.


I'm going to Holland tomorrow! :bigjoint:
i cant wait to see the grow. i love diy's and experiments. good luck with the moveand with the new job


Well-Known Member
Oh man, i've just remembered you don't know what sex they are yet do you? EEEK! I hope you have some girls!

Have you thought about taking a small clone from each of them now, rooting it and putting it to 12/12 immediately whilst the main plants grow? If you do that you'll find out what sex they are right about the time they go to flower so you can get rid of the boys, leaving more room (=more light, nutes, O2, CO2 etc etc) for the girls and maybe even let them grow bigger.

Just my humble opinion and what i'd do if i had un-sexed plants.
Yeah no clue to the sex yet. There from bagseed that my friend grew, and she said they're from a hermie which may mean more likley they're girls... we'll see.

I did think about the whole clone thing, back to the plan where i would top, clone, and use those to fill up my empty/male spots... but right now I dont want to add extra stress to them.. I'm going to save any topping/cloning of that sorts to the next grow... I'll just take my chances :-/

Thanks for the advice though, believe me, I've really gone back and forth about it myself...

r... but with 11 gallons of water, a bit hard to move LOL. I have stuff underneath the DWC to remove to lower everything once plants get taller...

Do you really need 11 gallons for those wee little ladies?

That's a lotta juice to manage. . .
Well, I guess I dont, but i have a relatively small rubber tote... think the smallest at walmart... and thats the amount of water I need to get it close to the net pots... I did think about putting something in the res to displace water? But i didn't want it to throw off the the pH, ppm, etc etc etc etc


Active Member
I did think about putting something in the res to displace water? But i didn't want it to throw off the the pH, ppm, etc etc etc etc
Why not fill up a few plastic 2l coke bottles with just plain old water, screw the lids down nice and tight and throw them in.

Perfect inert displacement, sure you still got the same weight but it's much less nutes to manage = cheaper.

Maybe for next time, eh?

Oh, and taking a clone, maybe just one of the side leaves won't stress your girls, in fact topping can have the opposite effect of making the plant react to the 'damage' (and i use the word in it's lightest possible sense) by putting out loads more growth to compensate. Try it with one of them and compare the results. (Hey, i'm a scientist, i like to experiment!)

Peace brother, i'm off to holland now. :joint:


Active Member
i cant wait to see the grow. i love diy's and experiments. good luck with the moveand with the new job
Thanks for the encouragement, it's nice. There's sooooooo much negative feedback on these places i feel like i have to quantify and justify every action for fear of being shot down by people who always know best.

I have 25 Red 3w LEDs and 5 Blue ones (just to start with, will be looking at around 100 - 150 in all) winging their way from Hong Kong, along with led drivers from the USA, Power supplies & heatsinks from Germany, Nutes from UK, pumps and plumbing from Holland, seeds from Austria (It's the only place i could find C99, the best bud i've every had. Man i wish i still had a mum of those ladies!)

It's gonna be a slow process but once i got all the gear together i'll start a new thread. (Maybe i should call it "My International grow!)


Well-Known Member
Oh i am sooo excited for your LEDs, not that I am considering them any time soon (need to get my experience up) Looking forward to it!!

As for sexing, AK-47 tends to preflower rather early, so I may just bank on that... I plan to flower at 12" which should be what... another 2 weeks??

I am already thinking about my next batch, try some different strains, have some more AK seeds, but really want to try strawberry cough badly... tangent. sorry.


Well-Known Member
Hey dude hows things going? Posted some new pix on my thread of the pink... they are staying pink bro.... Anyhow dude I just cant understand why those things have not truly exploded yet! Im kinda really dissapointed actually! Maybe its that strain dude.... At that stage tho it wouldnt hurt to try pushing ur nuts up and seeing how they react it may be what they need... Maybe even start fresh with a water change and put them on 3/4... Damn bro i wish i knew what was going on man!
Bro i have all the fancy meters and inspection gadgets... But im telling u if ya change ur water every 10 days...Follow the instructions on the nut bottles and dont sway from them u will be fine... Bro i cant even find my ppm or ph meter...
Try talking dirty to them that sometimes does help....


Well-Known Member
Hey DL... they're actually starting to really take off a little hard to tell in the pics, but they're growing a lot faster for them than normal. I'm hoping to flower by Dec 10.

I just did a water change the other day... and I didn't tell anybody but I just went up to 1/2 strength on nutes a day or two ago... they took it well, no nute burn, so if they do well tomorrow I'll bump up to 3/4 me thinks..

I meant to post pics today, sorry... I now have the CFLs hanging from above, and added a couple more... now 5. They seem to love it... the only thing is tonight just their biggest set of leaves on all three started to drop, while the others stayed nice and flat :-/ Hope those perk up tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
Those 10 dollar 24" grow lights walmart sells work waaayyyyy bettter than those cfls dude. I suggest u just use those cfls as an addition and get about 4 of those walmart lights for the main grow light. use that just for vegin and hps for buddin.


Well-Known Member
Those 10 dollar 24" grow lights walmart sells work waaayyyyy bettter than those cfls dude. I suggest u just use those cfls as an addition and get about 4 of those walmart lights for the main grow light. use that just for vegin and hps for buddin.
The CFLs are just to add blue to the light.. I have a 150 HPS for my main light source... plently of lumens to go around for the three :)