Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... Sorry for the lack of updates, not much time on the old apple this weekend.

Couple things... Starting to think Sway may be a boy... Just because the others have shown pre-sex (now there's multiple pistils on both), and I understand balls show later?? Oh well, not 100%, so I'll still be keeping sway around.

Also, the past few nights, my plants droop in the evening and perk up in the morning... Could this be a heat/light issue???

But all in all the girls are doing great... Though a lot of the growth is on the leaves... Not so much in height? Should I/can I try and make them reach a bit??


Well-Known Member

Day 48:
Part of my is ashamed to have 'Day 48' posted up... they should be over 12" and ready to flower by now... but oh well. That was just because of the beginning... look how bushy these girls decided to get!!!

Jane and Fox for sure have pre-sex pistils, and many of them! Still on the lookout to see if they're hermies though, with all that stress at first, gotta keep a lookout. Bit nervous for Sway, though smaller, she did start growth at the nodes the exact same time as the others, an no pistils in sight :-/ No balls either though... so I'll count my blessings.

I'm at day 10 since my last res change where I started to boost the nutes I believe... and look!

Ten days later...

Much better!!
I was nervous they may not reach 12" by Dec 10th, but after taking a look at this 10 day comparison, i feel much better :)

I will change the res again today... and will use the GH recommendations for the 'growth' stage:

I may not max the dosage, but do about 75-80% at first and do the other 20-25% a few days later... since it will be such a leap from what they have been getting, but have been lovin' :)

Happy Sunday


Well-Known Member
+ REPS LEGGO DUDE! I wouldnt be ashamed of those girls in the least! So what u had a slow start! U have them dialed in at this point and are learning alot about what u can expect on ur next grow!
They are looking nice and compact bro exactly what u want b4 u get to ur major growth exlosion during flower.Those plants are going to explode into nice bushy monsters when u really want them to and thats much to be proud of.
Minor setbacks bro look how far they have come and dont worry by day 58 u will prolly be putting them in flower.Next time u will do that in half the time with ur veg dialed in and with all u have learned..
KEEP up the good work brotha!


Well-Known Member
Guess what DL

you got your +rep back!!! yo!

But really, thanks man, you've and a few others have been a great help through this... to only think what they'd be like without RIU... shudder.

Yeah I really think they'll be ready in 10 days to flower... think I should invest in KoolBloom (on the chart above)??


Well-Known Member
Guess what DL

you got your +rep back!!! yo!

But really, thanks man, you've and a few others have been a great help through this... to only think what they'd be like without RIU... shudder.

Yeah I really think they'll be ready in 10 days to flower... think I should invest in KoolBloom (on the chart above)??
YES invest in the kool bloom sir.Its what was made to go with ur line of nuts, I am currently dosing my flowers with kool bloom, matter of fact i would reccomend it..I am switching to liquid karma when the kool bloom runs out only cuz it goes with my line of botanicaire pro nuts and have been told its not so good to mix synthetic with organic from a couple pros..
Kool Bloom is going to help mature and fatten ur nuggies, I dose mine as soon as they hit the flower tub @ 1/4 strength, In 2 weeks Go to 1/2...Just be sure not to over nut them with ur other nuts...Potassium and Calcium is what u want during flower anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Guess what DL

you got your +rep back!!! yo!

But really, thanks man, you've and a few others have been a great help through this... to only think what they'd be like without RIU... shudder.

Yeah I really think they'll be ready in 10 days to flower... think I should invest in KoolBloom (on the chart above)??
DUDE im not here for +REPS. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sway has Pistils!!!

how about that? 3 out of 3! Again, there may be some 'herm' action, but dont see any balls as of yet


Well-Known Member
Day 49:
Changed the res last night... uped the Nutes to 3/4 of GH's recomendation for 'growth'... I will follow up with the remaining 1/4 in a few days...

I was nervous to come to them this morning, since the nutes have been boosted up significantly from what they were on... But all looks great!!! Again they drooped last night, but this morning was nothing but perky

I removed one set of phonebooks from underneath (ghetto I know) so they are a couple inches further from the lights, but thats okay since they were almost growing into them!! They'll reach up and I'll probably have to remove the other set in a few days :)


Well-Known Member
The eggs?? Oh the ones I counted before they hatched... oh yeahhh.... those....

So I found what I fear to be hermie-action on Fox and Jane!! My two stars both have some small growth on the nodes aside from there clearly female pistils... they look like tiny little balls, but I may just be 'noid and they're tiny little buds that are about to sprout pistils?? FINGERS CROSSED

1. I thought male flowers show before female? Would this be the same for a hermie? Because these came DAYS after first sight of pistils...

2. If I only have three plants, would you through away two because they are hermies??

their mom (bag nug) was a hermie.

oh crap.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... Sorry for the lack of updates, not much time on the old apple this weekend.

Couple things... Starting to think Sway may be a boy... Just because the others have shown pre-sex (now there's multiple pistils on both), and I understand balls show later?? Oh well, not 100%, so I'll still be keeping sway around.

Also, the past few nights, my plants droop in the evening and perk up in the morning... Could this be a heat/light issue???

But all in all the girls are doing great... Though a lot of the growth is on the leaves... Not so much in height? Should I/can I try and make them reach a bit??

sup leggo..havnt checked up on ur grow in a while but glad to see ur doing good...the reason why ur plants droop and perk up is when u turn off the lights they go to sleep and when u turn them on they perk up to soak in the light.


Well-Known Member
sup leggo..havnt checked up on ur grow in a while but glad to see ur doing good...the reason why ur plants droop and perk up is when u turn off the lights they go to sleep and when u turn them on they perk up to soak in the light.
They droop though before I turn off the lights...

think they're trying to tell me they're ready to do 12/12?? Like "F'in turn off the lights already!!" It did start right before they started to show pre-sex... hmmm...