[NEWS]- Nebraska Nuclear Plant in trouble due to flooding in Nebraska.. officials say


Well-Known Member
Well, IMO.. with the changing weather patterns and 'Global Warming', which do nothing good for us.. except heat up our oceans/seas temperatures, which therefore is causing more and stronger storms. Not just stronger storms over land.. but also hurricanes. They're going to continue to get more mean and more strong as the years go by.. because our ocean water temps are rising more and more each year. Which is also the cause of the rapid melting of our ice-caps.

Anyhow, I'm getting kinda off the path here.. so lets get back to the nuclear plant and the flooding in Nebraska.

Here's the story: [Link: http://www.kxnet.com/getArticle.asp?ArticleId=796918]

They're saying that there is no danger.. however, I don't really believe that because of what happened recently over off the coast of Japan.. with their Nuclear accident. I mean, they've already had one failure at the Nebraska Nuclear plant.. what's to say something else couldn't go wrong? I'm just saying.. they better make sure they do EVERYTHING they can.. to prevent any nuclear accident.

Man.. this world is, IMO... starting to go crazy.


Well-Known Member
Man.. this world is, IMO... starting to go crazy.
Very true!

"In the 60`s we used to take LSD to make the world look weird. Now we take Prozac to make it look normal"

I love this sentence!

We are all a bunch of idiots who couldn`t get on with each other and now fucked the planet up. Its like brothers fighting and the parent coming in and delivering the slap lol


Well-Known Member
Did you hear about the evacuation of the New Mexico nuclear lab?
The fires are gonna swallow us! Haha. Hopefully they get this contained soon. I'd HATE to be the president right now.
Woah... what happens if there was an actual volcano or something? We have fucked the planet and built ourselves in a way to be struck down like a playing card tower lol

I don`t know about the rest of humanity but I`m blushing!!


Well-Known Member
We have. The worst part is when people argue that Global Warming etc are natural processes of the earth and that we've done nothing to contribute to it. We have done so much to every part of our environment just over the past 100 years.
This is natural, but if it were to blow, we'd be in trouble.
Nah we have been being greedy, having fun and fighting to realise whats really going on. We are a specie just like others that will face its extinction! We have a very powerful unfocused mind which we didn`t do much to use. Once we dominated our natural predators we turned completely on ourselves and have been fighting ever since about one thing or the other... We could of chose to prepare and prevent, we can`t even cut our CO2 down still lol "Yeah we`ll do it in 10 years time" thats humans :D

This is how humans sound to me :D

-Its a bush!!

-No its a tree!1

-Its a bush!!!

-Not its a tree!!

*Whack* *kick* *stomp* *stomp* *aarghhh*
