NFT or CAP EBB and Grow?


Well-Known Member

Well im going to do a grow trying a new method of hydro and was wondering what system you would use for 16 plants? I have tried a form of NFT and got the biggest buds i have ever grown with water constantly flowing, I haven't tried the CAP ebb and grow system and have herd some mixed opinions on it. So I wanted to get your guys opinion.
I've had good luck with NFT, but look at incorporating redundant pumps as a failsafe against failure. It's also a good idea in Ebb/Flow, but you have a bit of a fail-buffer with E&F.


Active Member
there is a whole thread devoted to cap ebb and grow so im guessing if u read a few pages of that thread you could get some of the info your looking for. ive decided to follow al b fuct's ebb n flow style but first i was researching stinkbuds nft/aero system, that thread is titled harvest a pound every 3 weeks and that also shows u how to build your own system and has an assload of info for u