NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
I will have pictures of my party cup grow set up when lights come on tomorrow! Just you all wait until lights on tomorrow, shit is going to be floating in mid air under a 1000w hps!


Well-Known Member
I understand how you guys think you are going to win, the winner to you must be who ever can get their plant to look half as nice as mine.

kevin murphy

New Member
there u go again ngg with the victory dance lets get this over and done with now im first thats for sure and the mrs second i dont know who will be third and that aiont important to me what u shud think is its the taking part that counts..glad thats sorted..


Well-Known Member
there u go again ngg with the victory dance lets get this over and done with now im first thats for sure and the mrs second i dont know who will be third and that aiont important to me what u shud think is its the taking part that counts..glad thats sorted..
LOL! you and cannaloser keep track of the rumble for me I need to try to sleep!


The best thing is being a newcomer and getting the chance (I mean sure thing opportunity) to show up all the other guys, many of whom you have enjoyed reading.

I'm already working on a victory dance and song. Bestseller at that.

It's called "What joys a solo cup can bring"


Well-Known Member
only done 1 grow myself but i have a trick up my sleeve to ensure the win lol..
*c02 burner--check
*portable ventless a/c---check
*high priced genetiics---check
*2.2k plasma hps/mh---check

..gotta take this partycup srsly ;P , you started this kev.. hahaha