Nitrogen toxicity question


Well-Known Member
ok so my biggest plant has a toxicity. I've already given it three of fresh ro water with 1/4 bloom strength nutes and cal mag. Should this be enough? Do I need to keep flushing or just stay away from nitrogen? If that's the case should I stay away from cal mag for now and only use tap water? How about the small amount of nitrogen in the bloom? Thanks I guess fox farm soil is loaded with nitrogen because I actually made sure to try and not have this happen



Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell since you have your hps light on. I do see some nute burn on the tips of your fan leaves but it looks minimal due to the light


Well-Known Member
That's just heat stress from radiant heat. Move the light up a few more inches. You'd see clawing started all over the plant if it was too much N. The edges of the leaves will brown too with excess N.

Very hard to make stuff out with HPS lighting and no colour correction, (white balance), used to take the picture. Check to see if your camera or phone is capable of manual white balancing. Then read up on how to do it. Easy-peasy. :)



Well-Known Member
I see the leaf folding down

did you spray anything?
are you using aminos?
or kelp?

turn the lights off and take pic with the flash on so we can see if your fan leaves are super dark green