NL auto-2nd grow attempt


Well-Known Member
4 oz will last a loooooong time. I actually started growing to supply my galpal. She smokes daily, but an ounce will last her over a month. Me personally, I've only smoked twice this month. The second time being a few hours ago. I hit some of the PE from my first grow. My goal is to have enough to last for 6 months to a year, in stock and curing, with several different strains, so we can have variety and not have to worry about her building too high of a tolerance to a single strain.
That's awesome man! I wish I was your galpal lol you mentioned PE.. Pineapple auto?


Active Member
I am curious about the difference the HPS may make.
It would be interesting to see a given lumen cfl grow compared to a same lumen hps grow, given the differences in kelvin ratings and cfl's superiority in said area.
-if you happen to stumble across anyone who did it, pease let me know :)

Good luck with your grow, it's kind of you supplying her :clap::clap::leaf::joint:


Well-Known Member
Awsome plant! I have 6 bubblelicious going right now 22 days old and all are showing flowering. I think it has to do with the lights I use a 600w hps with 4 42w cfls but looking foreward to seeing how this goes. I haven't done autos ever so I was only going for 1-2oz per plant but after reading u pulled 2oz dry from the last one I am rethinking that. So sorry if u answered this already but what size pot is that and do you have a small yeast sugar water co2 bottle in there?


Active Member
I am curious about the difference the HPS may make.
It would be interesting to see a given lumen cfl grow compared to a same lumen hps grow, given the differences in kelvin ratings and cfl's superiority in said area.
-if you happen to stumble across anyone who did it, pease let me know :)

Good luck with your grow, it's kind of you supplying her :clap::clap::leaf::joint:
I can definitely tell the buds are waaaaay more dense. I'm guessing that I still got about 4 more weeks before harvest and these buds are 4x tighter than the others were at harvest. A couple are damn near rock hard. I can only imagine how great they'll be in my Feb grown when I add a 400w!


Active Member
Awsome plant! I have 6 bubblelicious going right now 22 days old and all are showing flowering. I think it has to do with the lights I use a 600w hps with 4 42w cfls but looking foreward to seeing how this goes. I haven't done autos ever so I was only going for 1-2oz per plant but after reading u pulled 2oz dry from the last one I am rethinking that. So sorry if u answered this already but what size pot is that and do you have a small yeast sugar water co2 bottle in there?
They are small, like 1.5 gallon pots that I've been using. My next plant, I'm going to up to either a 3 gallon or 5 gallon. For now, I'm only running autos. I love not having to worry about a lighting schedule and not having to worry about light leaks causing the plants to go hermie. I don't use anything to add co2. For one plant, I personally feel that the co2 that myself and my cat expel, combined with what's in the air, is enough. Another thing is, I don't really like the idea of putting something in such a small area that could affect the humidity. Humidity is hard to control as it is down here in the south. But, I may try it on the next grow, just to see if there is any difference. I'll be starting my next seed in about 2 weeks.

What kind of heat does that 600 watter throw off?


Active Member
Yeah, I heard HPS makes all that difference, but would it if the numbers matched? What makes HPS lamps so much better?
I know the basics of lighting, but I've mostly just read: "hps is better at penetrating foliage". On a number of debates, these were the most common - and laughable- reasoning behind high pressure lamps.
I'm not saying I would go up to 50.000 lumens with cfl, I understand it's more lumens per watt, I'm also not against it in any way other than doubting it has kind of magic light that makes it penetrate much better than equal parts cfl.

Have a good night :weed::hug:

Also, give pic of that cat if you have many times :)

I love cats... :D


Active Member
Yeah, I heard HPS makes all that difference, but would it if the numbers matched? What makes HPS lamps so much better?
I know the basics of lighting, but I've mostly just read: "hps is better at penetrating foliage". On a number of debates, these were the most common - and laughable- reasoning behind high pressure lamps.
I'm not saying I would go up to 50.000 lumens with cfl, I understand it's more lumens per watt, I'm also not against it in any way other than doubting it has kind of magic light that makes it penetrate much better than equal parts cfl.

Have a good night :weed::hug:

Also, give pic of that cat if you have many times :)

I love cats... :D
I really don't get the science behind it all, haven't really tried to understand the "why" part of why HPS works better, but I do think a lot of it is the more lumens per watt, which in turns gives it better penetration. All I know, is that it's working. I'm using roughly the same amount of actual watts as before, but like I've said, there's a huge difference in bud density.

As for Patches the cat, I had an old picture of him saved on my computer. This is about 15 months ago where I just snapped a pic of him. I guess he had the munchies or something!



Active Member
Nice little "house" your cat has there :D

I see your seeds are from nirvana. I had a coupon and bought Sensi's for the same price, so I have my hopes up high, having been heard Sensi is the king and also seeing how well you do with them.
I bet your plants like you.

If I may give some advice: use lst and tie the stems away from the main node, that way light reaches more of the plant, as it looks really compact at the moment. You should try and make it spread out under that HPS.
Just be sure not to overstrain it, if you do.


Well-Known Member
They are small, like 1.5 gallon pots that I've been using. My next plant, I'm going to up to either a 3 gallon or 5 gallon. For now, I'm only running autos. I love not having to worry about a lighting schedule and not having to worry about light leaks causing the plants to go hermie. I don't use anything to add co2. For one plant, I personally feel that the co2 that myself and my cat expel, combined with what's in the air, is enough. Another thing is, I don't really like the idea of putting something in such a small area that could affect the humidity. Humidity is hard to control as it is down here in the south. But, I may try it on the next grow, just to see if there is any difference. I'll be starting my next seed in about 2 weeks. <br>
What kind of heat does that 600 watter throw off?[/QUOTE</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The 600 puts off a good bit of heat but I bought some small ducting and hooked up a fan sucking hot air right off the bulb so its not bad.</p><p>also def make some sort of co2 device I don't care what anyone says it does help especially if u have a small area. <br>


Active Member
Oh man...
I'm just lurking over at the journals, while my seeds are yet to arrive.
It's an empty feeling. I have little patience. (Been 3 weeks since I ordered, had something going on with my order)

It's gonna be fun comparing my Sensi NL to yours.


Active Member
Oh man...
I'm just lurking over at the journals, while my seeds are yet to arrive.
It's an empty feeling. I have little patience. (Been 3 weeks since I ordered, had something going on with my order)

It's gonna be fun comparing my Sensi NL to yours.
I always like to see comparisons done on same strain/different breeders and also on same seed but different lights. IMO, that's the best way to see what works the best.


Active Member
Got a question for the Pro's if y'all don't mind chiming in. It's about leaves, fan leaves in particular. Now, I understand the basics, that leaves collect the light and use the light for photosynthesis and all that jazz and I don't practice any defoliation techniques. In fact, I don't fim, top, lst or anything. I just let the auto's go. But, my question is, is it more important, especially late in flower, that the light hits directly on buds, or does it need to hit on the big fan leaves, so that the fan leaves can feed the buds.

That's the conflicting info that I can't make head nor tails of. Some say that light on the buds, do NOT help the buds, that the light hitting the fan leaves is what helps the buds. Now, to me, that sounds wrong. I mean I can see how that would work, if it were true, but I always thought that the light helps the bud, by hitting the buds, other wise, you could just shine lights at the bottom set of leaves and not have to worry about having lights above.

Now, my reason for all my rambling....sorry if I'm going about this backwards, I just burned a small bowl!... I will occasionally remove a lower fan leaf, if it is yellowed out, but I have some smaller buds inside the plant, that seem like they could get a bit bigger, if light got to them, if the light helps the bud, by hitting the bud. So, with about 4 weeks left, would it benefit me to remove some of the fan leaves that are blocking light from lower bud sites, or will it cause overall negative effect to the bigger buds by losing the "solar panels"? Thanks for any input y'all can give!


Well-Known Member
One thing I can say from watching my latest baby is that early on I top soiled and there was about a half an inch between the soil and the first set of fan leaves, so I snipped them, and the two branches from that node almost halted all growth. Even now at 41 days I have 2 little runt branches that look like twigs compared to the rest of the plant. Even with giving them direct light for several days they just stayed runts. My understanding is that the light and the leaves both help the bud, but the fan leaves (on nodes) feed the whole branch and the smaller leafs directly on the buds feed the buds.

I have trimmed and can say from my point of view don't trim the fans. Some people strip all the leaves near harvest time, and you can find plenty of threads on that. But early on, I would not do it. If you want the smaller buds/branches to grow, use side lighting and target the node fans associated with those bud spots.


Active Member
What light cycle are you using?
Post up!
We need pictures! :)

I am hoping to be able to compete with you, very soon... :D