No sleep!


Well-Known Member
So recently i quit cigs and ever since then sleeping is harder than squeezing a drop of water out of a bag of sand!

Im still getting nicotine (a good ecig that does satisfy the habit) but something in cigs must have helped me sleep! i use to fall asleep in literally 5-10 mins and now it takes an avg of 30+ and usually at least 1 night a wk i lay there for 3-4 hrs without falling asleep!

what do i do that should help with put me sleep so far you wonder?
i exercise twice per day (except the day after i couldnt sleep most of the night) for about an hr to an hr 1/2 a day
i smoke bud (75-100% indica) about 1 1/2-2hrs before bed anticipating to fall asleep on the come down.

while these two things DO help tire me sometimes i just can't....FALL ASLEEP! its not that im lazy and wide away ill get up at 7a and go to sleep at just after mitnight usually. so i have a full day all the time that includes college, work, and all the day to day tasks one does.

Idk what to do. im pretty much at the end of my rope here.

any advice anyone? oh please don't suggest sleeping pills. i know those are crap. ive never had a problem falling asleep before quitting smoking cigarettes ever.


Well-Known Member
Im in the same exact situation. Go to sleep at 12-1 wake up at 6am (just because my body naturally just wakes me up around the same time every day, not because I need to be getting up that early) and do the school and rest of life thing. When I have time to sleep I just stare at the wall and when I need to get shit done Im tired and sometimes on the verge of passing out if I stay still for too long.


Well-Known Member
You might be undergoing a lot of stress right now. your body is going through withdraws. Try some sleepy time tea, When you think you're coming down from your last bowl... take a few more rips. get your eyes saggin, then start counting sheep. Quitting is not easy, good luck. stay high


Active Member
dont think about fallin asleep while layin down. turn the tv on(cartoons ) as low as it will go but you can still hear it. listen to relaxing music(somethin youd smoke to) and take deep, slow breaths with your eyes closed. Ifind it harder to sleep months after istoped burnin cigarettes, but these things help me


Well-Known Member
dont think about fallin asleep while layin down. turn the tv on(cartoons ) as low as it will go but you can still hear it. listen to relaxing music(somethin youd smoke to) and take deep, slow breaths with your eyes closed. Ifind it harder to sleep months after istoped burnin cigarettes, but these things help me
good advise on the breathing!!! calms you down slows your heart beat. I also have to have background noise. reading a boring book helps too. stay high


Active Member
cut out the nicoitne altogether the ecigs are just keeping u bearly hooked to nicotine after about a week of thenicotine leaving your system u should be back to normal


Undercover Mod
I quit six days ago after a severe sickness and I haven't had even a puff.

I still get the urge really bad for just one.

I go back to work today Hopefully I can make it all week. If I can ?I think i'm done for good.


Well-Known Member
I quit six days ago after a severe sickness and I haven't had even a puff.

I still get the urge really bad for just one.

I go back to work today Hopefully I can make it all week. If I can ?I think i'm done for good.
GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!! stay high


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
So recently i quit cigs and ever since then sleeping is harder than squeezing a drop of water out of a bag of sand!
Stop the nicotine. Next about an hour before bed time take a Benadryl (Diphenhydramine). It's simply an antihistamine that makes you a little sleepy. It's not a problematic type of pill. You can't become addicted and it may help if you have any hayfever LOL.


Well-Known Member
hmm... i guess i did forget to mention i have background noise. i been sleep with the super quiet sounds of my tv...just audible enough to hear it. ive done that since i was a single digit number in age (8 or 9 yrs old i think) and the breathing thing is also something i do.

i dont get how i can be SOOO tired but not fall asleep.

Im not so sure nicotine is hurting my sleep. i smoked cigs since i was about 14 yrs old (in my mid 20s now) and it never hurt me before. infact i ALWAYS smoked a cigarette before bed. now im using my ecig before bed. at first when i quit i slept fine like nothing happened but a week after i quit i started noticing this sleep issue and its been a few months since i quit and i still have the sleep issue.

my only conclusion is that it was something in the cig that helped me sleep or something that im missing now that makes it harder to sleep. its obviously not nicotine...must have been one of those horrible ingredients that did the trick.

with the ecig i have NO urge for a cig. its my lack of sleep that makes me want to cave in just for the sake of my sanity! idk wat to do anymore.

besides the tea i think ive done just about everything suggested. i feel like im out of options short of smoking again or getting on sleeping pills :(

i figured id ask here since we have lots of insomniacs on here or those who were insomniacs until smoking bud.

ive also smoked bud since i was 14 if this makes a difference. i did pick up the cig habit before the mj one.