NOOB needs some help here Please

K here's the low down. I just got my medical license and have two people who want me to be caregivers for them, that's a total of 36 PLANTS.:weed: I'm new so im gonna take this slow and build up to the full 36 but i want to be able keep this as compact as possible. So to start, how much room am i going to need for 36.(growing in 10in pots) I have a spare room in the house or a garage i can use, but id like some general dimensions so i can section off part of the garage or part of the room. Any help will be greatly appreciated:-P.


Well-Known Member
This post is simply amazing to me.... You haven't even advised us how much medicine is needed every month. Do you even know? My first concern would be to assess their needs and then see if I could meet it... If your grow is going to be compact, you likely won't be able to even produce enough for a single patient. It all depends on the patients needs, not yours.


Well-Known Member
Well when there fully grown your gona need alot more space then what you will with the 10 inc pots. They grow fairly quickly. 36 plants full grown sounds like a garage operation at a minimum, if not a small room. But for the beginning it should only take about wel l 360 sq ft essentially but add whatever systems your using and fans and pumps for hydro if you so choose, it really depends on alot of things. for a full 36 plants ide say atleast work with a 15ftx15ft area and that pushing it. Ide shoot for satvia if your not pressed for height in order to keep it localized going up rather then out so you could fit them closely together. Hope i helped =P im noob too xD
This post is simply amazing to me.... You haven't even advised us how much medicine is needed every month. Do you even know? My first concern would be to assess their needs and then see if I could meet it... If your grow is going to be compact, you likely won't be able to even produce enough for a single patient. It all depends on the patients needs, not yours.
Sorry for the lack of info, I personally go through an oz a week and my two patients would be about the same So.....about 12 oz every month. Like i told them i'm gonna start slow and work myself into this as to make sure i can get some good medicine and not bunk. They know its not gonna be an overnight thing, and have many of there own options while im figuring this out. I'm also gonna be trying the Sea of Green with the area being split into veg and flower so it won't be 36 full grown plants. And by compact I'm talking half of a three car garage or a large portion of my spare room.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like plenty of room... An ounce a week? ouch.. That is going to be a lot of plant growing. With 36 plants, you can do it, in stages. A perpetual grow is needed, you'll need plants at three stages of life at all times, clones rooting, vegetation and flowering. Since flowering takes 8-10 weeks, I'd go with two flowering cycles, plus you'll need dry and cure time initially... I'm assuming hydroponics? If you are going to go soil, you'll need a lot of it and something to do with it after each grow, cause you won't be reusing it. How many strains? Lighting? It seems as though you have a lot to consider. Producing 12 ounces a month is a job of an experienced grower that has everything dialed in. If you are willing to work towards that goal, you can achieve it, but arm yourself with all of the information you'll need. If I had your fortune and in were in your position, I would be working on my clone table right now. Once established and you have clones going, start on your veg tables.. This way, you don;'t have to do it all at once and when you finish your first clone cycle, start another. Your veg plants should provide your 3rd clone cycle and repeat from there on out.
That sounds like plenty of room... An ounce a week? ouch.. That is going to be a lot of plant growing. With 36 plants, you can do it, in stages. A perpetual grow is needed, you'll need plants at three stages of life at all times, clones rooting, vegetation and flowering. Since flowering takes 8-10 weeks, I'd go with two flowering cycles, plus you'll need dry and cure time initially... I'm assuming hydroponics? If you are going to go soil, you'll need a lot of it and something to do with it after each grow, cause you won't be reusing it. How many strains? Lighting? It seems as though you have a lot to consider. Producing 12 ounces a month is a job of an experienced grower that has everything dialed in. If you are willing to work towards that goal, you can achieve it, but arm yourself with all of the information you'll need. If I had your fortune and in were in your position, I would be working on my clone table right now. Once established and you have clones going, start on your veg tables.. This way, you don;'t have to do it all at once and when you finish your first clone cycle, start another. Your veg plants should provide your 3rd clone cycle and repeat from there on out.
Yeah it's quite a huge task i got ahead me, luckily my patients are very close and know this is going to take time and money. I've armed myself with about ten different ebooks(in fact got this website from one of them), but none really had how much each plant is going to take up width wise. I'm planing on starting with two strains (not sure what they would like yet), but will be trying different ones once the home base is running efficiently. I've got a closet i plan on for rooting clones, and I just wasn't sure if a 4ft x 5ft was gonna be enough for 6 full grown plants and 6 more almost full grown plants, and if another 4ft x 5ft for veg or if i should cut down the veg room and give the flower room more space. I'm gonna be splitting this 10 x 12 room into a couple sections, i just don't know where to start or if i should just take the operation to the garage. I planned on using dirt for a while i have a outdoor vegetable garden i can dump the old stuff in, and my patients have agreed to help out when the time comes for bulk buying. Then once i have there needs taking care of i planned on trying a small hydroponics system with my plants, to get that figured out cause i don't want to ruin all of it at once. Like i said it's gonna be a work in progress, with alot of learning on my side. And believe me you'll be seeing a ton of posts from me in the future if i can't figure a problem out. Again thanks alot for your help you'll be seeing more of me on here, when things get up and running WITH PICS!:leaf:


Active Member
i just got my card too, and i asked my doctor about becoming a caregiver. he said caregivers can only provide to patients who are so legitimately stricken with disease they can't leave their houses. like, riddled with cancer and unable to leave their bed. pooping themselves and stuff. SUPERAIDS. people who can't get their medicine themselves because of their condition.

he made me feel hella salty, like i was just some dimebag-selling punk. i was so excited about becoming legal i forgot a lot of people use cannabis for SERIOUS, REAL medical conditions, not ADHD like me or just to get high. so.. idk. if you're becoming a "caregiver" so you can slang bud to your friends.. idk. don't let me squash your hustle. it just didn't feel honorable to me, pretending like that.


Active Member
made me feel hella salty, like i was just some dimebag-selling punk. i was so excited about becoming legal i forgot a lot of people use cannabis for SERIOUS, REAL medical conditions, not ADHD like me or just to get high. so.. idk. if you're becoming a "caregiver" so you can slang bud to your friends.. idk. don't let me squash your hustle. it just didn't feel honorable to me, pretending like that.
Come on dude don't beat yourself up. There is no need to feel like a dimebag selling punk, the law is a crock of shite anyway. The punks are the ones making the law and still not managing to live by the rules. You me and everyone else on here have no say on the law, the law we have makes victims of drug users, rewards and promotes criminality and harm. None of us voted for prohibition.


Active Member
IMO you should grow hydroponically. It uses less space + higher yields. 36 plants hydroponically in an ebb and flow table could fit in three 4 x 4 tables.