noob outdoor in BC with rain worry?


hey i know you all will have the answers i seek.

So here is the situation i have 8 plants outdoors 6 are under an extended overhang so have a clear poly top and one side of protection, they range from one more week if its good to 3-4weeks for the two sativa doms. The other two are planted in the yard and are doing great but could for sure use atleast two more weeks, here comes the issue im on vancouver island and the weather is looking like it is gunna take a shit temps will be low but 10 C its the rain im worried about would you cover the two that are planted and should i close in the plants under cover or will that raise humidity too much? IS RAIN MORE OF A PROBLEM THAN COLD??



Well-Known Member
hey i know you all will have the answers i seek.

So here is the situation i have 8 plants outdoors 6 are under an extended overhang so have a clear poly top and one side of protection, they range from one more week if its good to 3-4weeks for the two sativa doms. The other two are planted in the yard and are doing great but could for sure use atleast two more weeks, here comes the issue im on vancouver island and the weather is looking like it is gunna take a shit temps will be low but 10 C its the rain im worried about would you cover the two that are planted and should i close in the plants under cover or will that raise humidity too much? IS RAIN MORE OF A PROBLEM THAN COLD??

Its the cold you should be concerned about, unless you are going to have alot of rain over an extended period then its mold you have to worry about. Its a constant battle but im sure your plants will be alright


Active Member
How cold is 10 c? Okay its 50 f? I think. That's really not that bad, rain will be the trouble. If you know gods gonna piss for a while hide your plants under something. Like tree coverage, but not against the trees, try to find a "nook" where very little rain comes in throw the top, if that makes sense? That would decrease the amount of rain being pissed on your plants. Better chance.


Active Member
its not that cold here. These plants come from the mountains of Afganistan to the far south. They are hearty plants when mature. If anything, you will have mold issues because of the excess moisture and wearker sun.

If you can keep em relaatively dry, you can keep em going for another month yet. How big are they? (pic?)