noob question


Well-Known Member
1st time grower here and I was wondering if I plant the seeds directly into peat pellets do I need to keep them in darkness until i see some green or do they need light??

thanks for any help!:peace:


Active Member
You can just put them in the moist pellets too. They'll still germinate. I know from experience. One way is just as good as the other, do what is convenient for you. They'll germinate in light too but really you should keep them in the dark for a few days.


Well-Known Member
Wait till you see the seed break soil. My last lot I cooked under cfl's...This lot I waited till the secondary leaves appeared, and the're doing great.......ya
Good luck....:)


Well-Known Member
sorry guys, I was wondering how long that usually takes? so i know when to trash it and try again lol.

thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
sorry guys, I was wondering how long that usually takes? so i know when to trash it and try again lol.

thanks! :)
Hey fellow canuck. Ya patience IS a virtue. I've only got a few bagseeds (from good) so I tend to wait longer. I've had some almost stop then go great. And some take off then stall. I'd wait a good week. IMO
Good luck...........Oh yeah.........GO HABS GO......hee hee......:o


Active Member
It only took mine (bag seeds right now) 24 hours to germinate and about 5 days to get a real sprout, but definetely give it at least a week.

I know it's hard when you're first starting because you tend to want results NOW lol (at least I did) but that's not how this game works.