Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.


Well-Known Member
Seems that ISIS a Al Qaeda splinter group has captured the northern half of Iraq and the thousands of Iraqi troops have deserted their posts.

US military assets were also captured, including Blackhawk helicopters and battle hardened HUMVEES.

The Iraqi Central bank was looted of all its cash and gold. Over $400 Million worth.

Think we will be going back to free the shit out of them once again? Drop some more freedom bombs and democracy drones on em?



Well-Known Member
Kind of makes me feel old, in my day if we wanna rob a bank, we cover our faces ..ride into town and stick the bank up, then contend with the hero of the day,
Bonaza, Little house on the desert, Lone Ranger with homosexual companion and poorly paid Tonto, or even the mayor Clint Eastwood,
so now we just kill everyone in town....?

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
I expected this to happen. The Iraq troops we trained are pussy. Worse than the French. They will drop their weapons and run before fighting. I feel bad for the few good people that have to live there. Fuck all the rest. Let'um kill each other.


Well-Known Member
What was this about ISQ or whatever they call themselves being too rough for Al Q? That what I hear today on CNN. Anyway.

Remember to not think small Mr. Rice. :)

Iran's sword thrust at that Soviet Navy base was in play a few years ago.

It is hard to see that Asad gassing the Jihad as the best way to get the attention of the world, but I think that is just what happened. And a deal was cut.

So, blame Bush, if you want, but Sadam was risking the Gap with his thrust for the Saudi Oil. Had we done nothing and Sadam over committed south as the Saud would have surely lured him into, Iran would have the door wide open, through the back.

This is Iran's Route to the Sea. It was Alexander's route to Persia. It is raw and real, this world. And these war gaps do not change with history. It is not the Matrix like vision we have learned in US schools.

The route was wide open, and no one wanted the Sunni crazies, later, in Syria as a result, but we had to do something. So, we broke it up. We have armed and trained the Kurds with civilian, dark beaded US contractors, still there. We sold them advance Surfaced to Air weapons this year,

Now the Sunni crazies are back in Mosul and there is a deep block of modern weapons against Iran again, but not the USA. Also there is a block of very violent, hell bent, men of Jihad very much against the Farsi Sh'ia Theocracy of Iran.

The Marshes are restored in the south and the Sh'ia there are pastoral again.

IAC, I think the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq is good to go, now. It may be a UN recognized outcome. An Iraq/Syria Mandate perhaps.

Sadam is gone, his sons are dead and the Sunni block the Gap, again.

Thank you Mr. Bush.
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