

Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard the song Aenima by TOOL? It has a lot to do with this subject, not Nostradamus, but the end.


Well-Known Member
almost everybody that has lived thought that the End times were going to happen in there the grand shceme of history, the little time you spend on earth is a grain of dust compared 4.5 billion years of earths history....80 or years of a human life compared to 4.5 many zeros are 4.5 billion.....propfecies are great for people who interpret the predictions and apply them to past events but that is does not truly predicting the future, he hasn't predicted anything.....people read vague accounts dealth and destruction and then apply that to past events.........lets here a prediction of the future?...ok u say 2012 and so on....if nothing happens what will you say...wil you admit your wrong and make videos on you tube on how they were wrong.....i doubt it.......anybody please give me a detailed description of a future propfecy by nostradamus...please give me some details, names of future tyrants ect. so maybe we can t prevent the end times....(but alot of people want the end times because they think there [FONT=&quot]messiah is going to fly down from heaven save them and in fact would hasten the the supposed end times by contibuting to it any way they can.and might in fact help to bring it on.) my point is vague propfecies can be interpreted many different ways and fit what ever event you want it to fit, no matter what culture you come form or the times you live. If the profecies of nostradamus prdicted hitler, stalin, ww2 ect....why did nobody in the 1850's or before say that a man named hitler is coming and you should be wary......of course there none because it is not truly predicting the future....whats the point of a profecy if its interpreted after the actual event


Asshole Patrol
I think the one thing that should be at the forefront of everyone's thought process here is how you're going to transport and save the Cannabis species...:mrgreen:

Its all crazy shit, but I also agree with Natmoon, in that I think there are many probably futures for us individually and en mass. I dont like the idea and dont believe that we're stuck down to some prophecy or fate that we dont have any control over. It just doesnt make any logical sense to me, but I know that's just my opinion.

Everyone who's provided info on these "End of Days" topics all have very good info and points, but I just refuse to believe that its all going to happen exactly as mentioned.

If the end of the world comes... I hope I have one last minute to light up and enjoy my ladies. :hump::hump:


Active Member
i think that the problem with nostradaumas is that his predictions can mean almost anything. Anyone can compare his predictions to something after the fact that it had happend. Another wierd psychic is Edgar Cayce. Look him up.


Well-Known Member
OK heres the deal. Dec 21, 2012--the day that the Mayan calendar comes to a very abrupt end. Lots of speculation on this. There are a number of theories about what is going to happen on this day. I will start with the most popular first:

1. On this day the earth, the sun, and the exact center of the galaxy will be in perfect alignment. There is no doubt about this as it has been scientifically proven. The question is, how will this affect us? Some scientists say, since the discovery that there is a black hole in the center of every galaxy, that the gravitational strain of this alignment will demolish the magnetic field around the earth, thus destroying our atmosphere. The effects of this would be cataclysmic. No more oxygen (or any gas for that matter),also no more protection from the harmful radiation of the sun.

2. Sun storms---The sun changes its rotation every 11 years. The most violent sun storms occur every 2nd rotation shift. So basically every 22 years the sun has some hellacious sun storms, or solar flares. This has been happening since the suns birth, so no big deal right.....wrong. The next cycle in the suns rotation is due in Dec 2012. The reason this time is different, and that we have never been effected before is once again due to how the Earth and sun are lined up. Never before have we taken a direct hit from a solar flare, but this time we will. The spot on the sun that will produce these storms will be in exact alignment with Earth. Think of it like this: prop a globe on a post and shoot at it with a 12 gauge birdshot, it will not be effected every time, but it only takes one good hit to really fuck it up. Scientists theorize that this direct hit from a solar flare will spin the earth so severely that Europe will be located at the equator when it is over.

3. The Mayan calendar----This was and still is the most precise calendar ever invented by man. In fact to this day, it is even more accurate than the current calendar in use. The Mayans believed that time is cyclical, and not linear. In other words things repeat themselves in cycles. There are three stages to it; the first has a cycle of 266 days, the second has a cycle of 365 days, and unfortunately I cannot remember the third. Anyway, the Myan calendar is based off of a cycle that starts over every 5125 years. This is the time it takes the Earth to complete one full "wobble" on its axis. Now the Mayans say that on this day our gods will return to earth to collect and mine more resources for their planet. Even now, in the last few years, when the sun sets on the Mayan temples, the shadow that is cast upon the temple is that of a serpent descending from heaven. They even put snakes heads at the bottom of the temple stairs to coincide with this. Even though I am a firm believer in aliens, I don't think this will happen. I think the Mayans just had a very sophisticated sense of astronomy, and once the Earth completes its wobble, the whole process just starts over again.

first of all, the date dec. 21 2012, is the end of the age of christ, the end of mayan calender, and the end of the supposed timeline of the I Ching, one of the oldest texts in history, the year 2012 also coincides with predictions made by the prophet of delphi and the real merlin, (a druid monk).

also, the idea that the forces at the center of the galaxy are going to strip us of earths magnetic field is way off... if anything any type of stress or pressure on the earth will do nothing but strengthen it. Our planet has a magnetic field due to the molten iron at the core. not to mention the fact that this extremely rare cosmic event has happened many times during the earths biological history. seeing as how this happens ever 12thousand and change years, and life has been on this planet for several billion, the idea that we'd be stripped of our atmosphere is ridiculous. nobody knows for sure what will happen physically to this planet as a result of this, but the mayans believed that the center of the galaxy, that they referred to as hunab ku, was a stellar transmitter, would transmit galactic information from the galactic core through our sun, to the earth... and that humans and other animals would receive this information through a sort of biological antenna in our solar plexus. opening a new age of enlightenment. as far as I'm concerned, we have reached a point in human and technological evolution where we seem to be working backwards. I think we're in for something huge personally whether it's a beam of galactic energy straight to our hearts, or a huge tectonic shift literally re-arranging the land masses on this planet.

also last night on the history channel Nostradamus predicted the end of the world apparently, (according to the people researching the new found literature with his name on it) on the winter solstice dec 21st. 2012. which also happens to be the end of the age of christ. interesting huh? apparently this date bares a lot of significance to people throughout the world and throughout history.

I think that is the day the Mayans were at, when they ran out of clay. Who knows why they stopped there. These people had not yet figured out how to use a wheel. However, they had time down more precisely than USNAVY, until recently. Supposidly their devine leader Quonsulquatle or something, was with them for a 1000 years. Two hundred years after he left (not died) their civalization was gone.

By most accounts, Nostradamus has only predicted, accurately, four things:
the future of a young priest to Pope, the first AntiChrist Napolean, the second AntiChrist Hitler, and finally the day of his own death. All other prophesies where written in one sentance - three languages. Written in such a way as to provide three seperate, three different meanings. He was a brilliant man. Some of his medical knowledge is surely in use today. But not much else is really known.


Active Member
when there is video of him saying thesse things then'll ill belive it till then im gonna smoke weed and hope for the best