Not a hallucinatory drug, but for those well-versed in Cocaine


Well-Known Member
I have done it quite a few times myself, and have a friend who is more or less an addict.

I can admit that I have been slightly drawn to it in past times, doing 1-.2.5g to myself in a night 2-3 nights a week. I kicked the multiple month long "habit" with little to no effort though, and can't understand why my long-time friend can't.

For those who have got in over their head with the white devil and made it out unscathed, what tips can you offer up to kick it? I'm baffled by those whose lives fall to pieces due to cocaine addiction, given that a simple "just say no" stance towards the substance will solve any and all problems related to it...but clearly I'm missing something since millions are addicted to it.

Fill me in? Stories, tips, anecdotes, etc...all welcome.


Active Member
It is hard. Some people can start smoking, smoke for 4 years and then stop. Some people can start smoking, smoke for 4 weeks and never break the habit.

The same applies to cocaine. If the personallity of the person abusing it is compulsive then they crave more and more. That sounds like your friend. It is not easy getting over a big addiction.
Also if he is doing say an 1/8th a day it will be harder for him to stop than if somebody was doing 1/8thevery few days or so.

I hope he can snap out of it and find something new to pass his addiction over to as it was the best thing i ever did.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Switching to weed works great for quitting hard drugs. Every time you have a craving, smoke a bong. Eventually you will fall asleep and not be able to do the hard drug. Do that for several days until the harder cravings are over. Unfortunately, cravings last for years after you quit, but the really bad ones are only there for about 3 days.

I also found that changing your geography works. Move to a location where you don't have a coke source, but weed is plentiful. Figuring out your new location and meeting new people will keep your mind occupied. A wondering mind is a mind that is craving. Don't let yourself get bored, and always keep your mind occupied.


Active Member
I totally agree with CSI. Geography and associates are another big contributing factor to addiction. Also it is habbitual. Weed is a great way to get off most if not all addictive substances!! It requires will power and a good friend to keep them locked away (if the addiction is real bad) But after the first 7 days the major cravings will go and then the habbitual shit kicks in... all of the "damn i am soo borred, could do with a line" thoughts will plague them for a good few months... But as CSI said hit a bong, get some sleep and the need will pass. Give the friend a hand if you are worried


Well-Known Member
Yea, I try to keep him in check as best I can. I'm no babysitter though, y'know?

I know he hasn't done it in a few days (his non-stuffy nose tells me) but I can see he's itchin' for it. We'll see....


do you guys get speed in the states ?
a mate of mine was heavy on flake (£95 a g) and we weaned him off by offering him speed and making him smoke a joint ... you trip so much that it puts you off both for a long time


speeds cheap as here man 90 for an ounce for paste off a polish guy i know
smells like cat piss and 1 gram stops you sleeping for 2 days, no eating, no sleeping, no desire for any other drugs becuase even a joint can make you trip
to me its worse than acid


bud bootlegger
first and foremost.. does your buddy want to stop using coke?? if not, there really isn't word one that you or i, or anyone else on this site can say to him that is going to make him stop.. he has to want to stop using.. if not, your just wasting your time trying to talk to him to get him to quit.. if he doesn't have the desire to stop, then he simply won't.. simple as that..
so the first thing i would do is ask him if he wants to stop using coke.. if he says no, don't waste your breath, if he says yes, hit me up, i'll be more than glad to help him out..


Well-Known Member
Psycho Somatic is something different. IF you prolong cocaine use which in my case is really hard to do... psychedelic effects can manifest themselves. But the effects wear off to fast for that to become apparent. If a Tony Montano thems throttles through your head then maybe. But cocaine levels the mind.... it can heighten the addiction of drinking, sex, and gambling. And to that its a drug of major addiction potential!

benny blanco

Active Member
Its just will power. I've done pretty much everything in the book but never been hooked. Mind over matter. Of course I've had my share of binges but I always know when its time to kick.


Well-Known Member
Yes not addictive, kickable in your terms. These are other peoples terms. So facts must be presented to show some kind of adversity. You bring up good points about self control.... I possess it very well. But some wills are stopless, boundaries is just an imaginbale magnetic field for them. Until they get pitched they may feel the repercussions!

benny blanco

Active Member
Yeah I guess. I don't really understand a addicts mind. But shit I've done it all from slamin tar to smokin crack. I've just never been hooked on anything like that


Well-Known Member
Man slammin to inhaling the white millioni dollar dragon. Its hard man, I don't know from personal use but I do know a person.... actually is a really intune person living on his own and does it moderation... that doesn't really look noticeable!


Well-Known Member
After my 'Not a hallucinogen but..." comment I think.

I agree with many of you, in that it's tough to understand the reasoning behind an addict's choices....but there's obviously we have that they don't possess (or vice versa).

I get the impression he wants to quit to doing coke, to answer RacerBoy, I just don't know if he has the willpower to do it himself. He's got the cash for it, and sometimes that's the easiest way to quit - just run out of money.


bud bootlegger
After my 'Not a hallucinogen but..." comment I think.

I agree with many of you, in that it's tough to understand the reasoning behind an addict's choices....but there's obviously we have that they don't possess (or vice versa).

I get the impression he wants to quit to doing coke, to answer RacerBoy, I just don't know if he has the willpower to do it himself. He's got the cash for it, and sometimes that's the easiest way to quit - just run out of money.
eh, if he wants to quit, that is the biggest part of it, and not to get too much into the 12 steps, but it is the first step for a very good reason.. without the willingness to quit, you've got nada..


Well-Known Member
eh, if he wants to quit, that is the biggest part of it, and not to get too much into the 12 steps, but it is the first step for a very good reason.. without the willingness to quit, you've got nada..
Now were reciting the 12 steps... where did RIU go wrong :lol:

I wish the guy the best. We must realize he has an addiction... anything that is overpowering other necessities in life like work, family, and over health of a human being.

But the words come easy and the actions are very simple... pull out the powder and sniff. A will to power that every human must seek to drive to eradicate :D