Not sure if I can do this!


Active Member
There's not realy much need for it befor they sprout unless u have heat issues? If not then they will just be a waist of electric, once sprouted I would leave in It's the humidity
dome with air vents open and a oscillating fan on low just to move air around as for a exhaust fan IMO this is also pointless at the minute but it all depends on how u want to do it tbh it's your grow after all


Well-Known Member
Start outdoors work your way to indoor grow in soil best option because you don't need to worry about pH. Also easier to grow in after a few grow grow in door also you learn basics before growing indoor. Am I right best option is this???


Active Member
Just leave them be. When they sprout, the first thing I do is get a 23 watt (5000k-6500k) on each. Make it close to keep the sprout from reaching or stretching for the light. 1-3" max from bulb suspended over 24/7. Save the fan for a week 2. Make sure its on low or gentle and indirectly causing the sprout to move gently. In the future I germinate in small 4 oz. clear solo cups with a hole in bottom for drainage. I place seed 1/4" deep straight into soil, lightly cover and water in a little. Then I drop the cup onto a heat mat to aid germination. The last thing I do is place another matching 4 oz. solo cup (no hole) overthetop of the first cup. Makes a perfect humidity dome. You'll see it cloud up after the first few hours. Whola! Just check daily for sprout. I let my little plant grow in the small cup for maybe two weeks, then transplant into its final pot.
WE HAVE LIFT OFF. So I see the tiniest bit of sprout coming up but It's definitely the seed casing poking about a centimeter above the soil. Now I can remove the plastic wrap correct?


Well-Known Member
I can see your a lover. Which is good! But be careful too much love and they get annoyed. Get the wrap off, turn on your exhaust, get it nice in their. 26c, 45-55% RH stable with a fan on the seedling and let it be.

Watering is like... Well in a 3 gallon. Got a calendar? Read up on damping off.*** GL! Your on your way.


Well-Known Member
what works good for me that u can maybe try next time... put ur seeds in a glass of water,in a dark area ( i use a cupboard) twelve hours tops go back and poke ur floating seed with ur finger causing it to sink , put it back in the dark area for 48 hours. by now ur seed should be popped with a small tap root sticking i poke a small hole in my dampened potted soil with a pencil tip , not deep at all just the lead part.... i take a spoon and very carefully so i dont damage the root i scoop the seed out of the water i put the seed Root DOWN into the hole (the top of your seed should be at the top of your soil not buried or deeper) then i put just enuff lose dirt to cover the seed again not burying it.... in anywhere from 6 hours to 48 hours my seed stands up above the dirt


Well-Known Member
100 dollars for dirt and a seed damnnnnn i use fertilome ultimate potting mix it is 8 bucks for 24qaurts..... it is ph nuetral and nutrient rich i only feeed water for the first 4 weeks lol .... never heard of kind soil but that shit better be dirt from heavenn for 100 bucks or even more then 20 lol


Active Member
Wow and I gripe everytime I have to pay $20 for a bag of happy frog. Make sure you get light (blue spectrum 5000-6500k) on that sprout close as in a cfl 1-2" away. That will keep it warm and happy. I like to use a 23 actual watt 100 watt equivalent.

pink isn't well

Active Member
Nothing wrong with germinating that way. I did some direct soil and some paper towel and root cube
and they all germinated the same.

when small seedlings in large pots, i only water a small cup full around the plant, once a day (my reason: fresh oxygen in fresh solution daily, is better for roots first growing than, soaking all the soil and waiting for when they need it next.- even though I do soak all the soil in pot before ger/transplant to avoid dry spots) and as soon as the roots have taken and you have 2 nodes or two sets of true leaves, i bottom feed 0.25ltr - 1/2pint at a time. This is easy and simple and you wont overwater.

the solution should suck in to the pot almost instantly, then add more again slowly until a tiny bit holds. thats it. :)
some plants are thirstier than others, this will let you know how much to feed, if a plant stops taking in, youl know straight away and can act.. good luck, only on second grow but this way works better for me than top feeding,


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with germinating that way. I did some direct soil and some paper towel and root cube
and they all germinated the same.

when small seedlings in large pots, i only water a small cup full around the plant, once a day (my reason: fresh oxygen in fresh solution daily, is better for roots first growing than, soaking all the soil and waiting for when they need it next.- even though I do soak all the soil in pot before ger/transplant to avoid dry spots) and as soon as the roots have taken and you have 2 nodes or two sets of true leaves, i bottom feed 0.25ltr - 1/2pint at a time. This is easy and simple and you wont overwater.

the solution should suck in to the pot almost instantly, then add more again slowly until a tiny bit holds. thats it. :)
some plants are thirstier than others, this will let you know how much to feed, if a plant stops taking in, youl know straight away and can act.. good luck, only on second grow but this way works better for me than top feeding,
you should check out the soil she is using. i don't know about bottom feeding with the way she has things set up.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i see, she's using smart pots, theyr bottom feeding things I think, like a chamber with a float/drip irrigatioin thingy?
smart pots is just another name for fabric pots. If you go to the website for her soil you'll see how they make it work. they want fresh water coming in from the top, but i don't know much about organics or their way of feeding the microherd.
Plants are doing great except one who suffered a heat burn early after sprouting due to a 'hot spot' in my tent but it's recovering nicely turning from pale yellow to deep green like the others slowly.