Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
Aspen dental is the SHIT! too bad they weren't around sooner. maybe could have kept more than 6 teeth...


Well-Known Member
I went thru so much shit at the dentist I was going to previously. He was trying to make me get bridges, crowns, root canals and a shit ton of stuff that was gonna be about 8 grand. We bought a new house so I decided to give the new place a try that opened up here called Aspen Dental. Beech, I know they have these offices across the US and you might check into them before going any further! They gave me a completely different treatment plan that is less than half what I was going to be charged at the other place. They are very no nonsense and they don't try to sell you a shit ton of stuff you don't need and I get the best dental treatment I've ever had since going there. I no longer feel super anxiety and so nervous before going. I have to go in for some fillings tomorrow and I'm not freaked out at all. Sometimes you have to go where you feel comfortable. These people are starting to sound like damned quacks. They have good financing programs where you can get 18 months same as cash too. I am so pleased since I changed dentists and Aspen is just completely different from anywhere I've been. Good dentistry that isn't such a fortune. You need help and another opinion on what your situation is from someone else.

I just feel bad for you cause dental pain is as bad as child birth to me! Both fragile areas getting ripped the hell up LOL!!

Note to self: You find friends in the most unexpected places. I am lucky I found a few around here!
Being a small bus.owner and no insurance I had to go there.Its a Teaching denistry,called Baylor College of Denistry,which now is Texas AM BCD
Am is buying everything here.They have a Excellent program and a waiting list just to get in. 950.00 for complete Dentures,plus 25.00 for each extraction.
and its guaranteed if you dont like em you dont have to pay for em.Ive always had issues with teeth being pulled,I can remember the dentist up on my chest when I was like 12-13 trying to pull some teeth for braces.
My parents spent a fortune on my teeth,and I stopped drinking alcohol 9-10yrs ago and started drinking DR Pepper up to 2l a day and damn it rotted my teeth from all the suger.


Well-Known Member
I understand about no insurance, I can remember those days so well. But I would definitely reconsider letting students pull that many teeth in a day. Also, are you going for top and bottom dentures all at once? I would suggest getting a top plate first and getting used to it a bit then if you need bottom ones then go with those next. Its my understanding the bottom denture is tough as hell to adapt to! I feel for you going thru it buddy, nothing like freaking mouth pain to reduce you to an anxiety ridden nervous wreck.

Hang tough my friend, there are better days ahead. I would just slow down on the amount you have pulled at a time so its easier to cope with. It is far easier to let these extractions heal some as you go along so your mouth isn't so raw and tender when you try to put your denture in and become used to wearing them. Its a tough process at first, I watched some of my family go thru all this. Take it easy on yourself and just do a few at a time each week or something!!

Peace and get well soon :)


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Its a Teaching denistry,called Baylor College of Denistry
Ask him to get his attending unless you've already seen him. Also if they are going to use IV sedation you need to make sure that they have someone whose only job is to watch over you, preferably an anesthesia resident!

Since they are talking sedation ask them about using the OR, or surgery center, for a full mouth extraction under general.
Good luck with this, Beech.


Well-Known Member
BEECH...glad you are alive but I am so sorry for all that pain. God knows I understand. They told me I had long tough roots too, took that damn dentist about 10 min just to get one out! Geesh! I'm prayin for you buddy..feel better soon you!!

JAMES...all I can say is my hubby had one before and he bled so bad that blood was pumping into his cath was awful seeing him go through that, so I can only imagine! take care and prayers for ya bud!

NOTE TO SELF: Enjoy the wonderful people on RIU, they are the best!!!!


Well-Known Member
Beech it will get better friend. Sorry about all this, id rather take an ass whippin than have dential work.


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There is only one animal that will lie & cheat you...a human
Note to self get another dog
My dog is a lying, deceiving little shit. He spies something he decides he's going to have and you tell him no. He goes over lays down and watches you and pretends to sleep. Finally when he sees you are not watching him off he goes.... now if that's not deceit I don't know what is. Another thing he'll do is destroy something in the bird's area.... trying to blame the bird!

How do I know? He comes and gets me to show me the awful thing the bird he hates did! Other animals are as capable of deception as we are.


Well-Known Member
My dog is a lying, deceiving little shit. He spies something he decides he's going to have and you tell him no. He goes over lays down and watches you and pretends to sleep. Finally when he sees you are not watching him off he goes.... now if that's not deceit I don't know what is. Another thing he'll do is destroy something in the bird's area.... trying to blame the bird!

How do I know? He comes and gets me to show me the awful thing the bird he hates did! Other animals are as capable of deception as we are.
You know as annoying as that can be when your dog gets the best of you, I love mine for that! I laugh sometimes when they really get me good. You know, watch em for 15 mins and its the one second you break from watching them that they slip away and do what they want lol.


Well-Known Member
Shooting the breeze with the construction crew that's been waking you up every morning at 7:00am for the past 3 months can have it's benefits, like getting 4-5 yds of free 3/4" gravel, having them use their equipment to fill the void left by the pool and sitting back while they work....kind of felt important there for sec lol.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
My dog is a lying, deceiving little shit. He spies something he decides he's going to have and you tell him no. He goes over lays down and watches you and pretends to sleep. Finally when he sees you are not watching him off he goes.... now if that's not deceit I don't know what is. Another thing he'll do is destroy something in the bird's area.... trying to blame the bird!

How do I know? He comes and gets me to show me the awful thing the bird he hates did! Other animals are as capable of deception as we are.

sprinkle a little cayenne pepper on the target object next time. Sit back and wait for the laughs


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Staff member
Shooting the breeze with the construction crew that's been waking you up every morning at 7:00am for the past 3 months can have it's benefits, like getting 4-5 yds of free 3/4" gravel, having them use their equipment to fill the void left by the pool and sitting back while they work....kind of felt important there for sec lol.
Mojo's workin it over here ! :lol:


New Member
Shooting the breeze with the construction crew that's been waking you up every morning at 7:00am for the past 3 months can have it's benefits, like getting 4-5 yds of free 3/4" gravel, having them use their equipment to fill the void left by the pool and sitting back while they work....kind of felt important there for sec lol.

last year a crew came down my road.They were cutting all the trees back.Butchering the bitches.Instead of getting po'd.I offered them some cold drinks and told 'em they could stage some trucks etc,at my place.Then I threw in"if you might be able to skip these here,that;d be great".Now I'm the only place in the 'hood w/ trees along the road.
You get more with sugar when it comes to a bunch of grumpy guys