Now how to continue?


Active Member

Now that my seeds finally started popping out of their little shells I have some new questions that need answering!

  • I bought a "seedling box" in which I am going to keep the plants in whilst they are small (This box is covered with a plastic lid, which has ventilation seals that can be adjusted)
  • I bought soil from Holland (PH: 6.0-6.9)
  • I am planning on using a set of normal desk lamps until the plants have gotten bigger. Lamps will be on as long as the daylight is out and off at night. (Is this correct?)
  • After the plants have reached a decent size I want to move them outside (What's a good size for moving the plants?)
  • When the plants are big enough, I plan on re-planting them in a bigger pot. How do I do this without harming the plant? I will plant them in a small pot first (I think it's around 6-8cm wide)
